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My (26F) partner (25M) has been sleeping around for our entire relationship. My whole world is crumbling.

I don't even know where to start. I hope this comes out coherent enough.

I was with my SO for 6 years and he just came home recently from a long work trip unexpectedly. He's been going through some stuff and it turns out he's been sleeping around since the beginning of our relationship and it only just stopped around the time the pandemic began.

He told me because he's been feeling guilty. He's been going to therapy and he doesn't want to continue our relationship. He took all my choices from me.

I just found a couple days ago so I'm still processing all this. First I was told I are whole relationship was an entire lie and then second I'm told that he doesn't want to try to fix things at all. Which I know I shouldn't even want to but the emotional part of me does.

We had a child together who is close to 3 now. I have no idea how to handle the single life. All of my life since meeting him has been wrapped up in him becoming successful in his career. I was working toward a diploma I could use to work from home with but thats moot now that I'll need to go back to work. I've been a SAHM for 3 years now. I moved away from my hometown and neither I nor my family have the finances or accommodations for me to stay. Also, do I stay in the city hes in so our daughter can still him regularly? All my friends here are his friends first. I would love to cut him out entirely but thats not fair to her. I haven't told any of our friends because I'm humiliated and I don't know how to approach that either.

How do I even navigate the relationship with my child now? I feel so sad and scared for her little heart.

I'm going to stay with a friend for a couple days but I am feeling so lost right now. How do I navigate being a good mom still and take care of myself? I never thought I'd be in this situation. I thought we were happy and never even suspected he was cheating. I know I still have my rose coloured glasses on, so I need some perspective. If anyone has any self care tips, advice on single parenting, and how do I even considering trusting someone again? I've always lacked trust but now its just 100% shattered. Now that I have to quit school, find a job, daycare, an apartment and all that I just can't afford therapy at the moment. Any books that have been helpful?

Thank you for taking the time to read.

TLDR: SO is cheating after 6 years together and a 3 year old child. I moved my entire life for him and his career. Where do I go from here?

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 10:49PM by throWawaytoday0227
My (26F) partner (25M) has been sleeping around for our entire relationship. My whole world is crumbling. My (26F) partner (25M) has been sleeping around for our entire relationship. My whole world is crumbling. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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