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My [32M] bf [26] suddenly began to avoid me and stopped having any kind of dialogue

To make it short, after almost 2 years of relationship, we're having some ups and downs mostly due to spending more and more time together and having discussions over my housekeeping skills.

I am aware to be a messy and easily distracted person, while my bf values order,cleansiness etc very high. I understood that its important to him and i'm making an effort to look after myself better etc, to make it feel more at ease at my place.

Lately every little thing (some beard hairs left in the sink, some plates that feel greasy after being washed etc) became enough to trigger him and start a fight, that usually involve patronizing and/or making me feel wrong/bad/unadequate because i made a mistake or didn't notice something.

After our last weekend together, 2 weeks ago, he began getting distant: fewer replies to messages, going out the whole weekend with friends and making excuses to not see each others, etc. Initially blamed it on being feeling down for some days (he s going over a stressfull period on the job) and needing some time to do "his stuff and spend time with friends" . I asked multiple times if he was ok or of there was something going on and he always reassured me it was all ok, just going trough a couple of days of bad mood.

Then,last week pass and even if we get back to talk and chat, and he also gave some gestures of affection, he keep lowkey avoiding me when i ask about making plan to meet up/pass time together. friday I tried to confront him, because this behavior was making me feel bad and insecure,asking if i did something that pissed him off and why was he avoiding me, he replies lashing out about not being the time to talk "as he was just back from an evening with friends and didn t want to think about it", told me that the discussion about the house topics are making him lose interest toward me, hung up the phone when i asked to please, talk about it, and it has been 3 days since we last spoke.

What concern me the most is this sudden change of behavior, he wasnt so aggressive and drastic before, that brought me to be unable to understand how to react, the forced silence is hurting me a lot, but also, the way he behaved toward me was unfair and i feel that if i do the first step to reach out he'll feel validate to keep behaving like that toward me.

So at the moment i'm here, waiting for a text or something, feeling hurt and confused, I love him and want to make this relationship work but i feel like i'm not understanding his behavior anymore

Tl,dr: After a period of discussions over how i take care of the house, bf began getting distant, avoid me and get angry when i try to ask about his behavior, turn his back on me when i tell him that the situation is painful for me and stopped talking to me for the last few days

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 05:08PM by Eldritch_taste
My [32M] bf [26] suddenly began to avoid me and stopped having any kind of dialogue My [32M] bf [26] suddenly began to avoid me and stopped having any kind of dialogue Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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