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My [M23] boyfriend’s mom doesn’t approve of me [F24] because I am from middle class family

I am dating this guy who is absolutely loving and adorable we have been together for 5 months now. He is from a really wealthy family (he rids a G class while I am more of a toyota corella kind of gal.)

when I started dating him this was a huge turn off for me for many reasons:

1- I know he still a college kid, so this kind of money is definitely not his and I really hate rich kids who are not self-made.

2- I was worried that he might not know how to invest/save because he never worked a day in his life

3- I am that kind of people who date for marriage so I was worried that his family might not approve of me

A little background about me: I am an STEM major, i landed a high paying job and I have been financially independent since the age of 19 and i definitely can afford nice things to look rich but i choose to not to because I am still young and coming from a middle class family taught me how important it is to invest and to have savings. for my age I am considered rich, I paid off all my car loan, I went to college for free (scholarship) and I am currently living rent free with my family.

things got serious with my and my boyfriend and I wanted us to get engaged so we can live together (I am from the middle east, you cannot live with a guy without marriage). I told my boyfriend it would be better if we got married after he is done with college so we can have our own money and not his family’s but he insisted that he gonna talk to his mom about it now, his mom strongly disapproved of me because of my family (although I am not that poor) and she told him to break up with me as soon as he can. he told me that and he was worried that it might also effects his chances of getting a job (he was like planning to get a job through her connections)

one of the things he « suggested «  so she can approves of me is « to dress/talk like her » he means to dress rich and act rich and wear layers of makeup, that way she « might » approves of me and I really felt sick when he said that

I honestly don’t know what to do, he is highly dependent on her, if not her money, her connections. He told me he is fine with leaving luxury life and to live by his own but I truly doubt it..

and the other issue is not sure how out life would be if we managed to get married, how she gonna act/talk to me. I assume she gonna be so disrespectful to me and my family and this is the last thing I want in life.

what should I do?

TL;DR boyfriend’s mom disapproves of me because of my family, and my boyfriend is highly dependent on her financially what should i do?

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 02:11AM by lifelesnesswiz
My [M23] boyfriend’s mom doesn’t approve of me [F24] because I am from middle class family My [M23] boyfriend’s mom doesn’t approve of me [F24] because I am from middle class family Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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