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I (24F) feel like I have 'missed out' on my youth and worry that I might regret it in future. What can I do to change this?

I (24F) grew up with both of my parents and my brother (31M). I have a really supportive, loving home. Growing up, I always did well academically and would say I was a 'good kid'.

I was never pressured by parents to perform well or anything of the sort. I've earned my Business Degree, landed a good job, and preparing to study PGCE distance learning next year so I can teach Business.

I have an amazing boyfriend (24M) which I've been dating for almost 7 years now. He's a software engineer. We are trying to save up to buy a house and get married by 2023.

My problem is that I can count on ONE hand how many times I went to clubs/parties in my lifetime. I can also count on one hand (or a few fingers) how many actual friends I have. Probably 2 or 3.

Thing is, I'm quite the extrovert. Had loads of friends at Uni, at school, and at work. I have great relationships with people, but I'm also not into clubbing... Aaand I can be a bit lazy when it comes to making plans and keeping in touch with people. BTW my boyfriend encourages me to see friends and never attempts to limit me.

I've never gone through a wild, party, clubbing phase. I make time for my bf, my parents, my siblings and nieces and nephews. Those are about the only people I see. Also my bf's family.

I worry that I will one day regret not going through the party phase, or being out with friends enough. Covid makes it worse cause I've actually decided not to visit anyone at all since my dad is high risk.

My parents are party people though and have LOADS of friends. I just feel like I'm seen as someone that takes life too seriously? Or I've been told that I need to chill and loosen up by some people, and started believing it. I am chilled lol, but I just feel like choices I make now has consequences on my future.

TL;DR! I (24F) feel like I missed out on my youth and am afraid that I might regret it in the future. What can I do to change that?

Submitted December 26, 2020 at 11:12AM by kellijoyf
I (24F) feel like I have 'missed out' on my youth and worry that I might regret it in future. What can I do to change this? I (24F) feel like I have 'missed out' on my youth and worry that I might regret it in future. What can I do to change this? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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