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My boyfriend won’t walk next to me

I don’t really know if I’m over reacting to this, but it really angers me that when I go for walks with my (f32) bf (m30) he very often has to walk ahead of me, sometimes so far that he can’t even hear what I’m saying. I don’t understand why he can’t walk next to me? I tried to talk to him about it and he says that I should just walk faster and catch up to him, but that’s tiring for me walking at his pace all the time, yet he claims it’s more effort for him to slow down than it is for me to speed up! So to his mind I should walk faster instead of him walking a bit slower next to me. Which just seems blatantly wrong, how is walking slower harder than me walking faster? What’s the point in going for walks when it’s like we are strangers, not even walking together. With Covid and everything, walks help us get out of the house but I just don’t enjoy it when he is like this. I don’t understand why he can’t see this from my point of view. Is it really that much effort to walk a bit slower so we can walk together? For the record, I really don’t walk that slowly. I’m 5ft 11 with long legs, my walking speed isn’t even slow. We aren’t really having a nice experience together when this happens. I look around and see other couples having romantic walks, and friends that walk along side one another chatting - and get very frustrated that he doesn’t seem to see why it’s good to hang back and walk with me rather than going off ahead. It’s like he resents the fact that I’m asking him to wait for me, but why is that a problem? It just seems that he is only thinking about his own stuff and not about us having a nice time as a couple? I don’t know. I’m worried it’s indicative of bigger problems.

TLDR: my boyfriend often won’t walk next to me when we go for walks as a couple and seems to resent that I ask him to wait for me or walk slower so we can walk together

Submitted September 26, 2020 at 04:53PM by RazberryAmphetamin
My boyfriend won’t walk next to me My boyfriend won’t walk next to me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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