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Am I overreacting being upset over my boyfriend throwing out Christmas and birthday cards that belong to me without asking first?

Just to give a bit of background information, my partner(M24) and I (F24) have been together for 4.5 years, lived together for 4. Hes from a background where cards have no sentimental meaning and he doesn't buy or keep any cards he recieves, whereas I am from a background where i love recieving cards and i send and keep any i recieve to look back on every so often - they have sentimental value to me.

We're currently having our en-suite bathroom in our flat redone and had to move everything from our bedroom into our spare room. We went through some things last night and chucked what we didn't need.

We have a blanket box in our living room which has all sorts in and we were supposed to go through it together. It has things ranging from paperwork and bank statements to christmas cards and birthday cards in it. Today while I was at work he went through the blanket box and chucked a load of things of his and mine out if they're more than 2 years old - this included Christmas cards and birthday cards (he said he wasn't sure if there were any birthday cards in the pile he chucked out) dating back to 2016. He didn't consult me or ask if I wanted to keep them, so when he told me that he threw them out, I felt quite upset over this. I asked him if he read the cards before throwing them out and who they were from and he confirmed he read one and didn't bother with the rest. As he doesn't bother with cards for birthdays and Christmas (as mentioned above) he said he thought they were worthless and didn't think I'd be upset with him chucking them out. I explained to him that cards have sentimental value to me and that just because he thinks they're worthless doesn't mean i do. I can see where he's coming from as they are just cards, but at the same time they're something that I like to keep and look back on in years down the line (as mentioned above). He also knows that cards have meaning to me as I have mentioned it to him several times over the course of our relationship.

Am I the overreacting for being upset over the fact he chucked out cards that are addressed to me and date back 2 years or more?

TL;DR: boyfriend chucked out Christmas and (maybe) birthday cards older than 2 years that belong to me without consulting me first as he thought they had little value. Am I overreacting by being upset that he did this?

Submitted September 28, 2020 at 12:24PM by pll3492
Am I overreacting being upset over my boyfriend throwing out Christmas and birthday cards that belong to me without asking first? Am I overreacting being upset over my boyfriend throwing out Christmas and birthday cards that belong to me without asking first? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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