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My Mother (f, 36-51) drugged me (m, 3-18) as a child.

Hi guys, I'd like to start things off by saying I'm new to reddit, in fact this is my first post ever (forgive my inexperience or if im posting this story to the wrong thread or if i make any mistakes with the post). I actually got the idea by watching some of the youtube reading videos from the site through channels like Emkay and rSlash. I figured I'd join to share my stories, and boy do I have a lot of them. Okay now that's out of the way, on with the show.

When I was a kid my parents got divorced, which was probably for the best because up until I was 5 I remember being kept up every night hearing them yelling from my room across the house. My sister went and lived with my dad and I lived with my mother. My sister lived with us for awhile because my mother had custody but when she turned 11 she got smart to our mother's bullshit and went to live with my dad.

I don't remember much of my life before I was 18 though, mainly just moments of lucidity here and there, because my mother decided she didn't want to raise me, and as a liscensed counselor she gave her different colleagues various stories and had me put on so many drugs that I would basically be a vegetable throughout my life. I was never able to speak out, or hardly speak at all for that matter, and it was absolutely terrifying.

You know those crime shows when someone is drugged and cant move, but theyre aware of everything going on around them while they're being taken advantage of? That was me, but for 15 years without ever stopping. The excuse she gave people when we went out was that i was autsitic, which i technically am but i am at very high-functioning level of the spectrum.

Because i wasn't able to do anything and because my mother had a bachelors in Counseling (which still baffles me of how she obtained) the courts obviously took her side in the divorce, so my father had to pay her child support (he was an employee at the local major airport at the time. The guy with the light up cones on the runway). She never used any of that money on me or my sister though. I remember that when she came home every day she had a new purse or new outfit or jewelry, and these were expensive brands that she liked showing off. When she wasnt working she would always be asleep in her room for days at a time, with no interaction aside from yelling at me if we got too loud. She actually had a specially ordered lock for the fridge to keep me from eating "her food". I was only allowed to eat when and if she said so.

It wasnt just the child support either. She would always use me as a prop in her life to get special treatment, even though it was her that made me such a drooling mess. She would use me as an excuse to get onto planes early (using the employee discount for flight that she never got rid of from my father), get out of work on days she just didnt feel like going in, skipping lines at restaurants and stores, as well as several other things. I actually learned later on that when i turned 18 she opened up several credit cards in her name using my info with a forged signature, overdrew them by roughly $250 thousand, then just left them open since they were affecting my credit score and not hers, and i only just recently got them removed from my listing after 2 years of beurocratic bullshit.

There are actually several other stories like the one of her bringing a client of hers to live with us just because they were fucking, even though he was an escaped convict, and several occasions where the woman came at me in my sleep with a knife, her locking me out and forcing me to sleep outside, having me institutionalized while she took a vacation by telling the doctors made up stories that they didnt bother to ask for my side on, as well as me trying to live with my dad but his second wife beating and strangling me, but i feel like those are for another time. For the sake of it being my first post and already being kind of long, I am going to wrap it up here.

Whats scary to me though is that she is still counseling other people with her now masters degree, after the stuff she did to me and my sister growing up. I heard she is living in Florida now with her new husband, living off of him and the money she got from my grandmother who passed away shortly after moving there with her. She never faced any consequences for what she did to me or my sister at all.

I am 26 now and I have a steady job working for a hospital, I have an apartment with a pool, and I'm just recently starting to go to therapy after the ptsd that woman left me with (for a long time i didnt trust doctors, and im still afraid to take any medications for other issues like anxiety). She is no longer part of my life, and i have made sure she doesn't know where i live or how to contact me, even though she does still try to contact both me and my sister "so that she can have a second chance" (shes had hundreds of second chances). Still though, I am afraid she might try to find me. She has a history of stalking people on social media, and according to my sister the woman has tried to get my address from her several times.

Do you guys think I made the right call by disowning her? It seemed like the only course of action. Do you think there was anything else i could have done, or does anyone have any advice for me moving forward to prevent her from coming into my life again?

TL;DR: I was abused by my parent, drugged, and locked up, and she didnt give me any options to escape that situation. I eventually escaped by becoming a legal adult but does anyone have any advice for me moving forward?

Submitted July 26, 2020 at 06:58PM by TheClassyFatso
My Mother (f, 36-51) drugged me (m, 3-18) as a child. My Mother (f, 36-51) drugged me (m, 3-18) as a child. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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