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My girlfriend (25) will not give me (28) any alone time, and I don't know if this is normal (help!) [Repost]

Hi i'm writing this as fast as possible because I don't know when she will walk in to bother me. to put it simply ever since the epicdemic went down my girlfriend has been inside the house constantly. Around Feb she received the call from her work that she can work home. Ever since then I find out something very crucial, my girlfriend has no social life outside our house anymore, and she is not motivated to change that either. In the last 6 months she has only talked with one friend outside of her work circle, and that was only a few messages asking how she was doing and that's it. My girlfriend and I live together in a old studio apartment and there is only one room that's available for me to work in and rest in, and that's my work room. This room has been my safespace for a while now, but even that is slowly breaking down. I'm going to give you a few examples so you understand that that I am not whining like a little baby. but might be a underlying serious problem.

  1. She doesn't do groceries, the reason how I know this, is because we live in a street where the local stores know their customers and neighbors. they have not seen my girlfriend for over 6 months now. And one guy even made a joke once that I might have secretly hid her body somewhere and I don't want to tell..... it's becoming an issue.
  2. My girlfriend always makes excuses to not go outside unless its with me. And when we're outside she cannot be quiet for even a second. Last time we went outside together was last around week when we went to theaters. My girlfriend kept talking non-stop, the only thing that came out of my mouth was yes and aha, and when I wanted to say something she tells me not to interrupt her. but what weirded me out the most. was that she was only referencing internet stories and youtube videos, when we were in the sitting down during the movie she kept spoiling things to me, because she had seen the reviews on youtube (this was not the first time she did this btw)
  3. She cannot comprehend the fact that I need alone time, while she sometimes complain to me that she needs it, even though I am the only one that leaves the house almost everyday. I'm in my last year of university. and I work 4 days a week. and I've asked, begged, almost cried multiple times trying to explain to her that I need alone time, and I usually get answers like. "What do you want me to do then?" "do you have any activities I can do?" " I don't have anything to do outside." "wanna do something together?" It feels like she can't walk on her own.
  4. She doesn't respect my free days, I've had fights in the past with my girlfriend over the fact that she can't sit still when i'm free. Every time I have a free day it feels like my girlfriend wants a big adventure! In the past I didn't mind that much. but nowadays adventure means teasing (not sexually) me till I get mad, bothering me every 15 min, or making loud frequent noises, eventhough she is doing everyday things. cleaning? she has to sings or put the music loud. behind her pc? she bought (without warning me) the loudest mechanical keyboard you could find, because she wanted to keep it authentic and loves the noise, her favorite game on the pc is a typing game where you have to type as much words as fast as possible, it's the only game she plays, she's at level 800 now btw. She cannot be quiet for more than 2 min, she has to either sing, laugh very loud, run around the house or start sewing with her sewing machine that sounds like a jackhammer, and when I ask her to just but a nudge more quiet, she starts making excuses why it's normal to (for example) run after your cat on in a house with a wooden foundation and floor at 2 in the morning, eventhough we have downstairs neighbors that have complained to us about it dozens of time.

In summary, my girlfriend has not left the house for 6 months, she has gradually become more and more annoying in her behaviors towards me by putting all her attention on me, and not giving me any alone time for the last 6 months. I've been the one doing all the groceries, cleaning the house for the biggest part, and taking care of our finances and cat, while working and going to uni. It has come to the point where my gf has and can't and will not leave me alone, and the only time I can be on my own is late late at night, like right now at 3:27 AM, and even then there is a chance she can walk in right now, and start begging me to go to bed because she can't sleep alone for an hour or two. This ordeal has been affecting my work, love and social life. I keep getting frustrated at people for the smallest things, eventhough I was never like this before this whole situation.Am I just being whiny? or am I in a serious messed up situation right here?

TL;DR: Girlfriend has not given me any alone time for the last 6 months and has neither left the house. I'm slowly starting to have a mental breakdown and i don't know what to do.

Edit: forgot to add, i'm also an introvert, that's why going to a cafe or outside doesn't work for me, too many people.

Submitted July 30, 2020 at 01:50AM by IThoughtSheWasLVI8
My girlfriend (25) will not give me (28) any alone time, and I don't know if this is normal (help!) [Repost] My girlfriend (25) will not give me (28) any alone time, and I don't know if this is normal (help!) [Repost] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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