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Found out I was a mistress...what do I do

So. This is kinda a long story. I (26f) recently found someone I had been talking to, multiple times through the last 7 years is married. I found out a few months ago, through mutual Facebook friends of all things.

So the back story when I was 19 I met T. He was 27 at the time. He was cute and I thought single and we bonded because we worked together. It was just friends until I broke up with my boyfriend at the time. T seemed like a great rebound and he knew that. Summer ended and I went back to college which was 2 hours away and he would visit me. He would spend multiple weekends up there. Anyways I started to end things when he seem to want more and I wasn’t ready. We parted on good terms. This was fall 2013

Flash forward 2017 he tells me he’s moving to a different country and we get drinks to catch up and he ends up staying the night. Wish him luck. End in good terms

Flash forward again to May this year and I discovered he’s married and has been since 2011. From my knowledge no breaks and no divorce.

My question is should I tell his wife this happened ? Or am I trying to ease my own guilt ? Because I feel hella guilty I had no idea! But looking back I ignored some pretty big clues.

TL;DR I found out I was a mistress years later and never knew. Should I tell the wife?

Update: I did in fact tell the wife. I gave enough details for her to know I wasn’t lying but nothing to be hurtful. She has yet to respond but I have left it open ended if she wishes to ask me any questions.

Submitted July 27, 2020 at 04:28PM by Rileyy577
Found out I was a mistress...what do I do Found out I was a mistress...what do I do Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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