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My grandparent (60s) want to buy me (19) a house and my mom is accusing me of taking advantage of them.

My mom makes $120,000 a year. She pays for my brother's $17,000 tuition, his room and board, and gives him an allowance. Meanwhile she complains about my $2,000 tuition that she pays half of (I got a bunch of scholarships). When I point out that she treats my brother and I unequally she accuses me of being ungrateful, or she will say that my brother needs help more than I do and that because of that I am going to become "strong" and it will help me later.

I've been wanting to move out, and before COVID I was making enough to pay rent on my own if I wanted too, but then I lost one of my jobs. Now that things are getting back to normal I might start my other job soon, but I plan on applying to some other jobs that pay well if my job doesn't come back. My friend (F20) is buying a house and asked me and another friend (F20) if we want to be roommates and split the costs of living there. We said yes, but we would not be moving in until the spring semester.

I talked to my grandparents about this and they said "Well what if we bought you guys the house and you guys can live there?" I told them that I appreciated the offer, but I didn't want to take advantage of them. They insisted that I deserved to be able to get the college experience of living with my friends and not worrying about money. I told them I would think about it.

My mom found out that they wanted to buy the house through my uncle, and she accused me of taking advantage of them. She thinks that I guilted them into offering and that I should not allow them to buy me a house. She also thinks they want to buy me a house because they want her to feel the pain they felt when she moved out at 19.

My grandparents make $100,000 a year. They say they have money to spare and that this is what they want to do. The offer is nice, but I don't want to be taking advantage of them. I also don't want to damage my relationship with my mom, but living with her is very stressful.

TLDR: My brother is the favorite child, and my mom bends over backwards to provide for his every want and need. My grandparents want to "bridge the gap" because they believe my mom is treating me unfairly. They want to buy me and my friends a house. My mom claims that I am "hinting" that I want them to buy me the house and the car they got me, even though I never asked them to buy it. My mom says that this is an attack meant to hurt her by taking me away from her. Part of this is true because at 19 my mom left home and caused my grandparents pain. I really don't know what to do.

Submitted July 30, 2020 at 06:20PM by Current-Palpitation1
My grandparent (60s) want to buy me (19) a house and my mom is accusing me of taking advantage of them. My grandparent (60s) want to buy me (19) a house and my mom is accusing me of taking advantage of them. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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