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My (22M) now ex-gf (22F) just admitted to cheating. I don't know how to feel.

Some back story;

We have known each other for 4-5+ years, dated for 2.5 years before she broke up with me, took a 10 month break before she approached me again, almost a year ago. Been dating again since March of this year, when she visited me in Boston while I was training for work. We both had grown as people and I thought things were going really well, we had even been talking about moving out and marriage and whatnot.

Well, my gut feeling has never been wrong and probably around month and a half ago, I could feel something was up. She hid her Snapchat location, started going out with friends late at night and spending the night at her female friend's houses, taking a lot longer to reply than usual, being more protective of her phone, and just generally getting more distant.

Keep in mind, I'm kinda jealous, have trust issues, and I'm an airline pilot so I would be gone from home 4 days at a time. So I slowly started to drop little hints that I knew something was up. Talking about how disgusting it is that people cheat on one another, how we would never do that to each other, and how much I looked forward to our future. Well I guess my tactic worked because this morning, she cracked and just admitted to it after I asked her for the truth.

She said it was with some guy from her friend group who I've met before, and that it was less than a month ago. So the past month and a half - two was just leading up to it for her to get the courage to actually go through with it.

I'm not sure how to feel. On one hand, anger. I want to punch this dude's teeth in, I already told her I want nothing to do with her or ever hear from her again under any circumstances, and I'm taking all my stuff back this weekend when I'm off work. I'm also not going to take the high road, I fully plan on exposing her so everyone knows the type of person she is, even if I come across looking like a jackass as well.

On the other hand, so much relief. I knew I had a genuine reason to be apprehensive. For it to finally be validated, felt like someone telling me I wasn't crazy. I never saw her as the type to cheat, so that was also a big relief, knowing I dodged a major bullet.

I really don't know why I'm posting or what anyone can say to me. I know I'm just rambling, I guess I just needed to vent. What do I do, how do I feel?

TL;DR : Girlfriend started acting weird, I could tell something was up and basically guilt tripped her into owning up to cheating on someone within her friend group recently. Broke up with her, not sure how I'm supposed to feel, what I'm supposed to do?

Submitted July 28, 2020 at 03:03PM by nedy08
My (22M) now ex-gf (22F) just admitted to cheating. I don't know how to feel. My (22M) now ex-gf (22F) just admitted to cheating. I don't know how to feel. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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