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How do I (24/F) get my boyfriend (27/M) to stop touching me so much?

Hello everybody, I (24/F) have been with my boyfriend (27/M) for about 7 months. We have lived together for about 2 months.

For the record I just want to say I usually have no problem cuddling and holding hands and the occasional kiss or whatever if we are both having together-time lying down together watching a movie, or something along those lines, but he touches me constantly. We have sex almost every day so it isn't like he is deprived.

The problem is that if I just want a few minutes to myself to browse online, he comes over and constantly wants kisses and hugs or to grope me. I feel guilty for looking at my phone and not paying attention to him so I have to give in, and I'm not talking a peck and a hug for 10 seconds, I'm talking like 15 minutes of it, and only because I eventually make him stop.

If I just want to get ready for work or to go out and I change my clothes in front of him he stops whatever it is he is doing (even sleeping) and runs over to grope my breasts and kiss me and he won't stop, even if I tell him to stop, or say "No." Often he will start sucking on my nipples, playing with them, sometimes he will pull down my pants, bend me over, "hump me" (while we are both wearing underwear) it is not a turn on for me at all, especially when we don't even have time to have sex and I am just trying to get ready to go out, and now suddenly I have to try to pry my boyfriend off of me for the next 10 minutes.

Even when I go into the kitchen to cook he usually follows me in there and is standing inches away from me expecting kisses and attention. Our kitchen is TINY, less than a meter wide, and just in the entrance by the door, so it is more than a little bit annoying, I can't even get to the fridge or cupboard to get the ingredients or tools I need because he is standing in the way, and when I try to get him to move he tries to grab me and hug me or kiss me. I really enjoy cooking and always viewed it as nice "me time" and kind of relaxing to just focus on something and forget my worries for a while, but it is becoming stressful because of him.

I am starting to feel like I can't do what I want in my life, any time I want "me time" to surf the web, or read, or cook or whatever he pesters me by grabbing my boobs and kissing me for 15 minutes straight. I feel like I am just here to pleasure him and I can't do my own things. It is really strange since he is a very independent person usually, and appreciates his alone time. Before we moved in together he was the one saying I wanted to hang out too much and he needed more alone time, but now it is the complete opposite, he is like an octopus I have to keep prying off. I already tell him to stop but he still keeps doing it, if I try to stop him a bit more assertively he looks upset and takes it as some kind of personal insult, and he just forgets later anyway and will do it again.

I appreciate being "wanted" and how attracted he is to me, but I am not interested in all the sexual contact when I'm just trying to do chores, get ready, or have relaxing time alone, and especially not when I know it won't even lead to sex (I feel like what is the point? I don't want to get turned on and left hanging, so it just ends up being boring and borderline annoying). How do I tactfully explain my feelings to him without it coming off wrong, like I'm not attracted to him or NEVER want him to kiss/touch me.

TL;DR: My boyfriend gropes/touches me sexually A LOT, how do I get him to stop/do it less?

Submitted April 27, 2020 at 03:07AM by Mercenarian
How do I (24/F) get my boyfriend (27/M) to stop touching me so much? How do I (24/F) get my boyfriend (27/M) to stop touching me so much? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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