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Third strike

Full disclaimer. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 and a half year. We've been friends for 3 years before that. We live together. We use each others phones so he has my password and I have his.

My boyfriend has been friends with this girl since before we dated. He knows I'm not comfortable with her but I respect that it's my issue, a friend is a friend. Within the last year hes stayed at her apartment twice even though his parents place is not a five minute walk from this girls place. I despite what others may think, dont think he cheated. But I find it completely disrespectful to stay at a girls apartment when you had an alternative place to stay. More to the point the place he told me hed be staying.

Flash forward to this week. Hes desperate to see his parents but given Covid-19 hed only be able to speak to them at a distance (his father has a compromised immune system). I told him to go to them as it would give him peace of mind. He then suggested that hed like to spend the night there. I told him hed be welcome to stay with any of my family. He said hed think about it. He decided it's not to go in the end.

Now tonight I was using his phone, nothing out of the norm and I see hes been texting this girl recently. I had a feeling what I'd see and I was right. He was arranging again to stay with her during his visit to his parents. How excited he was to catch up with her.

Now the last time he stayed after the first apology to never disrespect me, I told him that this is the last forgiveness. Hes not to disrespect me again like that. I love and support him. Everything is 50/50 and I lavish on him any of his emotional and material needs as a girlfriend should. But now he attempted to hurt me again. I cant accept it and I'm no fool. I think hed choose his friends over me. I feel I know what I'm going to do as I write this. I just need to hear what you think.

Tl:dr boyfriend keeps staying at a female friends apartment dispite me voicing how hurt I am by it.

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 06:05PM by bobbinforyoyos
Third strike Third strike Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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