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My husband's diet is incredibly unhealthy and I'm starting to worry about him.

His daily diet consists of cereal, pb&j sandwiches, ramen noodles, and a liter of coke. And snacks at night like a bag of m&ms and chips. He doesn't eat many vegetables - just things like onions, tomatoes, garlic, and peppers when they are cooked into a dish. If I put more "out there" vegetables into a dish, he'll pick them out. I once made mac and cheese and put peas in there, just to have some veg with our otherwise unhealthy meal, just to see that all the peas have been picked out and put aside. The only time he eats healthy is when I cook dinner and make us a homemade meal, which with a baby at home is sometimes difficult for me to do. If I don't cook dinner, his dinner will be one of the three meals mentioned above. He never cooks for himself.

He weighs 160lbs and is skinny. When I told him he has to take care of himself better, he said he's only 160lbs and there's nothing to worry about. I told him that his weight is not a good indicator of health.

I've also mentioned that he will have to model good habits to our daughter. She will eventually ask why dad doesn't eat any vegetables.

I don't know what to do or say to change his habits. Apart from the health aspect, it's a huge turn-off to see him eat. He's so picky with his food. Feels like I'm catering to a picky toddler. He's turning 30 soon, his health is going to deteriorate and eventually catch up with him.

Have any of you experienced this? What can I do to help him eat healthier? Should I care or let it go because he's an adult and should be able to take care of himself better and make his own dietary choices?

Submitted April 30, 2020 at 01:46PM by thrw9342
My husband's diet is incredibly unhealthy and I'm starting to worry about him. My husband's diet is incredibly unhealthy and I'm starting to worry about him. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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