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My neighbor (M/50) that my mom (F/38) cheated on my dad (M/38) with is coming back from his christmas vacation soon and I don't know how much longer I (F/17) will be able to bite my tongue.

To start off the neighbor who I'm talking about is named Toby and he's a freeloading piece of shit. He doesn't own the house next to us, a younger dude in his 20's does and he just lives with him because Toby's boss lives right down the street so it's convenient for him. Toby has so many DUI's that he couldn't have his license for who knows how long, he gets it back next summer though but I doubt it'll stop the affair. He smokes a bunch of weed and uses other people's pee or something to get by AA drug tests, and yeah, I fucking hate him for everything he's done to my family.

It started out small; Toby would ask my mom for rides places he couldn't drive his moped/bike thing to (not a motorcycle or else he could drive on major roads). He would ask more, he got more confident in asking for favors and rides places.

Then they started becoming friends. They started to hangout (not outside of the neighborhood though) and whenever my dad was gone at work my mom would go over to the house next door to hang out with Toby (and sometimes no one would even be home with them) (the young guy who owns the home has a girlfriend who lives there too, but she works).

Since this went on, my dad got sus and he started getting angrier faster with everyone. He would yell about my mom being next door all of the time (she would get drunk and smoke weed with the neighbors), he would yell about her being around Toby, etc. They finally had a big fight one day, and when I had come out of my room my mom yelled at me to "get the fuck back in my room" while crying in front of my dad.

Well things went from there. My mom stopped hanging around Toby, Toby stopped asking for rides..but then things got flipped around, my mom started telling my dad that Toby was scared to be around her because of him, I don't know what resulted of that conversation but I thought it was absolute bullshit that my mom flipped this on my dad).

Well now mom and Toby are friends again. Hanging out, and almost everyday she takes him somewhere. She will talk about him and if I say something wrong she immediately defends him (because she knows what she's doing is wrong). The Wednesday before Christmas my mom was awake at 4am to take Toby to the train station because he was gonna visit family in a different state, she told me to wake my brother and dad up if she wasn't back in time (the train station is like an hour away or something? bleh.) And so, since then Toby has been in a different state, and I haven't been as stressed, but I've noticed my mom has been texting him a lot and hiding her phone. She used to leave it laying around and now she's carrying it everywhere, she once even asked me if I was looking at her phone while she was texting (I wasn't).

Toby is coming back soon from vacation and I don't know how much longer I can hold out not saying anything. I know my mom will go and pick him up, I know things will go back to usual, I'm just so sick of this and my dad can't do anything about it because my mom is a narcissistic piece of shit. My dad brings all the money in, cooks most of the time, gets shit done and she goes and emotionally cheats (don't know if it's gotten physical). I know my parents marriage isn't "any of my business" but it becomes mine when it's happening around me all of the time and I have an autistic younger brother to be worried about as well. I don't know how to handle this, I want to cry and scream and punch someone all at the same time. I have my therapist but sometimes even just going there doesn't help when the problem won't stop. Thank you for anyone who takes time to reply.

TL:DR = The neighbor my mom had an emotional affair with is coming back from vacation, I don't know how much longer I can take him being here without breaking.

Submitted January 04, 2019 at 05:17AM by relike
My neighbor (M/50) that my mom (F/38) cheated on my dad (M/38) with is coming back from his christmas vacation soon and I don't know how much longer I (F/17) will be able to bite my tongue. My neighbor (M/50) that my mom (F/38) cheated on my dad (M/38) with is coming back from his christmas vacation soon and I don't know how much longer I (F/17) will be able to bite my tongue. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 04, 2019 Rating: 5

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