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My [23M] roommate [30F] has practically moved her boyfriend [30M] into our house without asking anybody

I've been living in this house for about 6 months, with 3 others. There's me [23M], two guys [26M and 32M], and a girl [30F]. It's a 4 bedroom house, and there's 4 of us in the house. Upstairs has 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, downstairs has the other 2 bedrooms, and another bathroom. The guys are upstairs, whilst the girl and I are downstairs. Let's call the girl Becky.

About 4-5 months ago, Becky started seeing a new guy. At first, he only slept over one or two nights a week on weekends. All good. I'm currently single, but when I was in a relationship, my ex would stay over a couple of nights a week too, I think that's perfectly reasonable. However, in the last month or so, he's been over more and more, to the point where he comes over every weekend on Friday night, and doesn't leave until Monday or Tuesday night. The last couple of weeks have involved him staying over on a Thursday night too, a total of 4-5 nights a week. According to Becky, this guy lives way outside of Sydney and usually commutes in every day, so him staying here means he doesn't have to commute.

I wouldn't have so much of an issue with it if they were just using the house to sleep. But they don't seem to do much on weekends or after work except sit in the shared lounge room and cuddle/make out while watching TV, which makes it super awkward to go to the kitchen or go and eat there on the weekends, since I always feel like I'm interrupting a date. They also like to hog the kitchen for hours at a time cooking elaborate meals together, which means I often can't cook and have to go out and get takeaway instead.

I also found out the other day that the boyfriend now has his own set of keys (I forgot my own keys, messaged Becky, and she said 'oh it's fine, we're nearby and John has his keys with him'), which really pissed me off since Becky pays the same rent as everyone else and her boyfriend doesn't contribute to bills etc. Apparently he also leaves clothes etc here at all times.

Am I nuts in thinking that this guy is in our house a little too much? I specifically picked this place as I'd only be sharing a bathroom with one other person, but now most of the time I'm sharing with two. Plus, I don't like having to feel like I'm third wheeling or interrupting every time I get something to eat on the weekends.

What should I do in this situation?

TL;DR: Roommate's boyfriend has basically moved in, pays no rent and I feel a bit crowded out, how should I go about bringing this up with her?

Submitted January 29, 2019 at 03:43AM by ElOhElJannah
My [23M] roommate [30F] has practically moved her boyfriend [30M] into our house without asking anybody My [23M] roommate [30F] has practically moved her boyfriend [30M] into our house without asking anybody Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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