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I (26f) need to break up with my boyfriend (29m) and my heart is absolutely broken over it.

We’ve been together 3 1/2 years now. We live together. We adopted a cat together. I’ve never loved anyone so much in my life and curling up to sleep next to this man is the best feeling in the world.

But he is the worst person in the world with finances and responsibility. College degree he did nothing with, and 50K in student loans that are just collecting interests while he doesn’t pay them. Car got repossessed. Credit report is full of collections. No savings, no retirement, can’t even get a credit card. I didn’t know how bad any of this was until we moved in together.

I’ve spent the past year trying to repair his financial situation, but he kept lying to me and hiding bills or saying he had paid them off. He desperately needs a job above his bullshit part time one he has now, but I’ve been the one plastering his resume all over town. Not him. I probably spent 15 hours last week applying him for jobs.

And now I get the latest slap in the face. I realize that he fucked up his taxes, which he also lied to me about, and owes a ridiculous amount to the IRS. No way he can even begin to pay them back with his current job.

I’m a fucking mess right now. Like I said, this guy is the world to me, but I can’t keep doing this to myself. I can’t keep throwing my money at his debt when I have my own goals. I can’t keep taking care of a grown man who doesn’t have $20 in his bank account right now. I know it’s easy to assume that my bf is a lazy asshole from this post, because I haven’t touched on any of his good qualities. He’s truly a sweet guy, and I know he loves me, and we have so much fun together and get along so well. But he’s got deep issues with money that I just can’t fix.

He’s at work right now. He’ll be home in a few hours and I need to rip this band aid off before I chicken out. Fuck, this is hands down the worst I have ever felt in my life. I hate this and I’m already trying to talk myself into staying with him because I want things to work out between us so badly.

I really needed to write this out. Thanks for reading.

TLDR: boyfriend is awful with money and I can’t keep taking care of him. I’ve supported us both while he hid his debt and problems instead of letting my help. We have to break up.

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 04:34PM by solofirsttiner
I (26f) need to break up with my boyfriend (29m) and my heart is absolutely broken over it. I (26f) need to break up with my boyfriend (29m) and my heart is absolutely broken over it. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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