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The Red Pill and Universal Consciousness

I wanted to touch this subject and bring it out in the open for all to analyse, evaluate, think and discuss. It has been on my mind since a while, and I've been making some sense of it, before going ahead to post this.

Some background about myself: A 31 year old male, I was a massively blue pilled white knight “pro feminist” dude, till my oneitis unicorn left me after a three and a half year old relationship. We were engaged, our wedding dates were fixed. Then I discovered the red pill, and have been steadily taking my daily doses day after day. I went Monk Mode, 2 months after my break up, worked on my fitness, my social skills etc. and my SMV has been going up. I have been getting much more female attention than I used too. The old me would jump happily at this new found attention, the new me is DGAF, without even trying. And Holy Jesus do these bitches come chasing after you or what! I’ve had girls who are just about to get married chase me, married girls with kids chase me. I didn’t even initiate anything. I have young girls in their early 20s give me signals all over. AWALT all the way! And so many things about me LTR make sense now.

However, as I ride through the Red Pill Highway, there are some things that don’t make sense to me, and I want to bring it to the table for discussion.

We talk about plating girls, NEXTing them etc. We rate them on an HB1 - HB10 scale. That is the only way we define them here. We’ve seen a lot of experienced Red Pillers post about how they’ve become jaded to sex too.

In the process, we cause a lot of hurt, emotional hurt i.e., to women. When we’re plating and NEXTing them, we are damaging them, consciously in some way or the other. We know that we’re manipulating and abusing them, and hurting them in the process. We also say that The Red Pill isn’t really about women. Its about being a man and surviving and thriving in this world. An Alpha Male is one who takes care of his people and doesn’t hurt them for his benefit. The Red Pill brings with itself a lot of spiritual elements, in a way how a man should see life and prepare himself the best way he can for it.

Where does this fit in the grander scheme of things? I like to think of all us, men, women, plants, animals, planets, galaxies as one. And that everything is being driven by a universal consciousness. Just look at how the universe and the galaxies and put together so delicately, it is all a part of a universal conscience that we all have access to. So they say, the true nature of every soul in this universe to be a loving, kind and helpful being. That is how we are programmed to. If everybody really accessed themselves on a soul level, that is what our real nature is. This; goes against what The Red Pill is preaching. As men, we have to be compassionate enough to not be the reason of hurt to anyone.

“Ahimsa”: A Hindi word meaning non-violence.

Mahatma Gandhi, used the Ahimsa ideology, of not hurting anyone, humans or animals, to gain independence for his people. It worked.

And…if we zoom out and look at the big picture. Say if all men were Red Pill, what direction would this take our society to? We will only end up with used up, damaged and hurt women. And that itself has implications of its on the future of the human race.

Where is all this heading too?

Submitted August 01, 2018 at 02:12AM by riggedved
The Red Pill and Universal Consciousness The Red Pill and Universal Consciousness Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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