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Co-worker ruins business trip...should I say anything?

I (55y F) recently attended a business conference, love my family but was looking forward to some alone time. The conference is gigantic and hotels get booked 6 months in advance. Many folks from my company attended and were scattered throughout the city. I scored a hotel close to the conference and due to limited availability they upgraded me to a king bed suite.

My co-worker (60 y F) was originally attending with her best friend (another co-worker), but best friend backed out at the last minute. They are so close that they share a room (by choice) when ever they travel. I was going to drive by myself and stop and visit my sister but those plans fell through so I agreed to ride in a car with her. She drove but we were staying at different hotels.

The issues started before left, she realizes we are at different hotels and tries to change to my hotel, they are obviously full. She then tries to get me to call the hotel and get a room with double beds, I try and explain that my suite was the last room the hotel had available. She then decides I need to cancel my room and stay with her. I had to pay for my room up front, so "no" I am not going to cancel, nor do I want to...I do not want a roommate for a week!!!.

Co-worker then realizes she booked the wrong dates at their hotel- Mon- Fri verses Sun-Thurs, so she cancels her entire room. She comes in my office and exclaims that she will now "have" to stay with me or not attend. I just say something like...oh well, we will miss you! When that did not work, she re-books her room for the original incorrect dates but still does not have a room for Sunday night. Co-worker now decides we will just stay 1-2 hours outside of city that night and will drive in the first day....

I finally just agree to her sleeping on the couch for the one night. She stays that night, snoring loudly and we go to the conference. We return to my room to get her bags and I practically have to kick her out...why can't I sleep on the couch all week?? She starts in on "how will I get to the dinner tonight? She does not want to drive and refuses to Uber by herself....would I Uber across down and pick her up? The restaurant is in the middle and I would be in the cab for 1 hour to get across rush hour traffic. Again, I decline, she somehow makes it to the dinner. After dinner, she wants "walked to her car" you can see it from where we are all standing to catch our rides. She gets very upset the "gentleman" in the group did not walk with her.

The next day, she complains that a homeless man scared her by her car and that she was awake all night from strange noises....she complains to every one that I got the best hotel and she is not comfortable at the one she is staying at and how unfair it all was...

The next night we have dinner with our company President, she gets lost driving because she refuses to Uber and her GPS will not work in a big city. Another co-worker misses the beginning of the dinner trying to give her verbal directions. She was a block way and decides to head back to her hotel. I was happy that someone else had to deal with her crazy!

She decides we are leaving after the conference on Wednesday (one day early), unless I agree to spent the night in her 2 bed hotel room. I am in her car and so sick of her neediness and whining , I just give up and we drive home arriving at 2 a.m.

To top it all off, she says that the 20 seconds I left her alone at the Service Plaza a man was "following her" and might have been a pick pocket. She implies that my husband and I must not be close because I was so independent.

This is really long and I only listed half of the craziness....I will obviously never travel with her again but should I confront her on her behavior? She was very vocal at the conference about how unfair it was that I got a better hotel and that I would not let her stay with me.

TLDR; co-worker needs to learn to adult, makes me feel guilty for not wanting to be responsible for her on a work trip.

Submitted August 31, 2018 at 09:07AM by cannotsolvethis
Co-worker ruins business trip...should I say anything? Co-worker ruins business trip...should I say anything? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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