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I [23 F] trust my gut feelings a lot, my boyfriend [27 M] thinks I'm being ridiculous.

There are several times in my life that I have had strong gut feelings that a person is untrustworthy, or a situation is dangerous. And I've found they are eerily accurate. Maybe I'm subconsciously picking up on little things, or something. I've definitely seen a lot of hardship and abuse and threatening people in my life, so maybe I've gotten good at picking up on when something just isn't right?

I'll give a few examples.

I was a freshman in college, and on campus my friends and I met this guy who had a gigantic rabbit, and he was talking about how he and this giant pet rabbit were raising awareness for some charity. I had a weird feeling about it all, but I didn't want to say anything because I thought I'd look like an asshole for being rude to a guy trying to do charity work. Very soon, however, he found out that one of our group was a 15 year old (My roommate's little sister) and started to hit on her very hard, despite the fact that she was obviously scared. And 15. Ugh.

I had just joined this sports team, and I had a weird feeling about this guy on the team. No concrete reason why. I later find out that around that time, he had assaulted two girls, who did not end up going to the police, just quietly left the team.

I had a classmate who gave me weird vibes from the start. He ended up stalking me, and I went to the police because it got that bad.

Several times in my life, I ignored my wary feelings because I thought they were irrational, only to regret not trusting my gut. So, these last few years, if I get a weird feeling about someone, I distance myself from them, and I'm watchful over my friends.

My boyfriend met me after I'd already gotten to the point where I take my gut feelings seriously. So he saw me, several times, walk away from a person or a situation for seemingly no reason. Or be a little ruder than social norms dictate, for no obvious reason. Like once we were on a road trip, stopped at a gas station. Someone came up to the car trying to getmy attention, and I peeled out.

I tried to explain my gut feelings to him, and he called them irrational. Yesterday, I was telling my boyfriend about how a new guy at my office sat with me over lunch, and I ended up getting up and going to finish my lunch at my desk, because I was having that sketched out feeling. He told me I was acting irrational; it's not right to be rude to someone who seemed to be trying to be nice, if Maybe a little socially awkward, over an inexplicable feeling.

How can I make my boyfriend get that not everything can be backed up by evidence, sometimes I've just gotta trust my gut?

TLDR - My boyfriend and i disagree about the fact that I trust my gut feelings a lot. He thinks I'm needlessly rude to people who give me "a weird feeling"

Submitted August 29, 2018 at 11:57AM by Headphine1
I [23 F] trust my gut feelings a lot, my boyfriend [27 M] thinks I'm being ridiculous. I [23 F] trust my gut feelings a lot, my boyfriend [27 M] thinks I'm being ridiculous. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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