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My (F25) coworker (F25) seems to be alienating me and is creating a weird environment for me

I started my first office job 3 months ago and the other person who started at the same time as I did has been sort of weird with me.

First of all, she sits RIGHT behind me. One on one we're completely fine and have good chats but there have been several instances where she'd go out of her way to not include me in team bondings. For example, she asked every single person in our pod and the pod next to us to go for breakfast and then walked right by me (I sat in front) and didn't say a word. In other instances, I'd have team members ask me later why I didn't join them! It's just gotten uncomfortable. Especially when she butts into my conversations and snickers at things I say or do. There's so much more but it's too much to explain every little detail.

It seems like everyone loves her so I don't want to say anything bad about her. She is practically BFFs with everyone in the pod and super sweet to everyone (but me) I have other friends on the floor so I'm not completely friendless or anything but her behavior is hurtful. I hate feeling left out and I've been feeling like an outsider even though I'm completely fine with everyone without her around.

One of my coworker friends who I talk to a lot has also mentioned to me that she had noticed the girl talks really sassy to me and differently with others. I understand that not everyone can be friends but I'm struggling to feel good at work with this weirdness around me.

The only thing I can think of is that we're both a similar ethnicity and we're both kind of the better looking ones in the pod (I'm not saying this to be conceited).

How should I deal with this coworker and this situation?

Edit- I ended up at an event held for employees with someone I know from my floor & my lead asked me why I hadn't joined the girls from our pod (the weird coworker had initiated it but didn't include me) and I casually said "no one asked me!" and laughed about it. Hopefully that got the point across? Unfortunately the coworker wasn't there to hear.

TD;LR coworker and I started at the same time and she has been alienating me. I have my own personal friendships with everyone but she does weird team bondings that don't include me.

Submitted August 30, 2018 at 05:54PM by essak508
My (F25) coworker (F25) seems to be alienating me and is creating a weird environment for me My (F25) coworker (F25) seems to be alienating me and is creating a weird environment for me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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