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What happened in my 18th birthday

This were the few words of a girl that just turned 18years old, I think I need a man to date at lease for some years and fall in love and get married even if he's a total stranger I don't care but let me just feel like a woman in love. As she looks at the mirror she just but can only admire the creators quality on her body and feel the vibes of a man touching  her through. Only for her to hold herself up and picked up her eye pencil and mascara and she made herself up all but to run into the hands of a stranger she don't even care to know. Finally she picks up the pink dress in her hanger put it on her body and imagine her very first kiss, the glue of the lips as they make that miraclous sound at end of the kiss.  Prepared just to walk a little  around the neighborhood so she could be noticed by  a guy ready to fill her through,she looked at herself a second time and said I am ready.
She stepped  out of the house moved down the street  a little  and saw a guy gave her the looks she crave for and inside her she felt like he is the one, but he only looked at her but never stopped only past by, she saw the next guy and the next guy and so on.  She stoppes holding herself  with her back to the walls of a building she imagined as thoughts ran through her mind if she was really  beautiful or not she checked the mirror and saw that she was truly okay for any man to pick.
As she wonders and take a look at herself she just but can only noticed a guy  walking up to her, and she put herself together and ready to answer all his questions,as he got close and said hi, she took a better look at him and saw all his features,felt the six pack from is tight body hugged cloth she was ready.
They talked a little went into a bar and touched fingers from across  the table she felt the electric of feelings running through her body she was ready in her heart I have find the love I really want for me. They finished drinking and entered a Cadillac started driving home got  to his home and kissed oh how sweet  does it all feel to have her dreams come through just in one day of planning it.  They had sex talked more and she head home. Had a nice time with her friend but just thinking  about him,just looked at the time it's only but few minutes to 7am in the night, she imagined the night should past fast for her to hit the road to HiS house.
Finally  the day broke and she ran down to his house.  Knocked at the door a female came out to open the door and asked her who are you. She told the lady her name and asked of the guy only for him to come out with a kid in his hands and that look on his face that said you should have called before you came. Nervously she never knew if she was going to cry, laugh or hit him.  She saw a heart broken just one day after her 18th birthday.
Now life  has just given her the first blow as cried in her room never to trust me again she wondered where she have all missed it. After given a lot of thought she discovered that from the very Minute to turned 18 she had only requested for one thing sex and not love,  even if her heart wanted love she was ready for a stranger she never knew and she prepared for a day full of love and not a life full of love, everything She had ever prepared for was what she got and that road is as painful as what she will never want to experience again.
Conclusion :
Marriage is not just sex and beauty and feeling marriage is a world of all things put together both love, pain, sacrifice and all but marriage doesn't come on the first day of a relationship love never appears on the first love is actually developed but lust is always there the first day.  Aften times many girl mistakes lust to be love and that has been the pain in all their relationship and they think it's from the guys but it actually what they really were ready for which is actually what they got. Give yourself the best time to grow and don't ever be in a rush to go into any relationship it will always land you in pain.  But if it was you what will See you next time for my next post.  I am Sam
What happened in my 18th birthday What happened in my 18th birthday Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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