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Stuck my dick in crazy, went through a month of hell

Banged a batshit crazy HB5 I had all classes with at an alternative school. Went through a month of hell. Discovered TRP a few months after this experience.

I switched to an alternative credit recovery high school my senior year so I could graduate on time (and ended up graduating early!). I was still blue-pill and sucked at talking to girls.

While I was in math class, I was sitting at a table with two girls, An HB5 we'll call Katie, and a solid HB9 we'll call Stacy. I was trying to talk to Stacy, but sucked miserably at it since I was retarded when it came to talking to girls. Katie ends up suggesting we all make a group chat and play games on iMessage. I agreed since I wanted to get Stacy's number and hopefully try to escalate. We end up having a conversation in the group chat and got each other's snapchats. I started snapchatting Stacy but failed miserably at trying to escalate. Ended up becoming one of her beta orbiters. But Katie, out of the blue, after I added her, sent me a nude. Since I was horny anyways, I sent her dick pics back. She asked me to go over to her place the next morning and bang her after her parents left.

The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual (I started school at 11:20, so I was usually waking up at 10:30) and got ready. She texted me that her parents were gone so I immediately drove up to her house (about 5 minutes away from my house). We fucked for a solid hour or so, the sex wasn't great, and I didn't even finish. I left and went back home, took a little nap, then went to school. I avoided all eye contact and stayed away from her.

She texted me later that day and asked me, "What are we cause I don't do fuck buddies". I told her I don't do relationships, so we're fuck buddies. She didn't take that too well. She told EVERYONE in school that we fucked. It was a small alternative school so word got around pretty quick. My buddies gave me a lot of shit for it. She even made up some things about our experience, saying that I gave her anal (NEVER WOULD) and that we fucked in my car (ended up happening a couple months later, but I'll get around to that). She told her parents about me and said I was her new boyfriend. I was working one day at my old fast food job, and when I went on break I snapchatted her back and she immediately called me right as she got the notification. She said, "I'm right by your work and I'm with my dad, you're gonna meet him." and I lost my fucking shit. I tried to finish my employee meal as fast as I could so I could get to the back and not see anyone up front. But she busted through the door while I was eating, and yelled out my name asking where I was. She found me, sitting there eating. Her dad was with her and he introduced himself. I kept my frame together and introduced myself too. Talked a bit then they left. I went back to work, and my co-workers gave me a LOT of shit for it.

The day after Christmas, I went to the mall with a couple buddies to grab food and bullshit around. I was ignoring her all day. But she was at the mall, and somehow met another girl that I banged a few months prior. They noticed me and tried to get my attention. I ignored it and kept walking with my friends. We went and saw a movie since there was a movie theater inside the mall. After the movie, we were leaving the mall and saw them again. This time, she yelled out that I was a Trump supporter to try and get other people to notice me since she knew I was open about being a Trump supporter. That didn't work, so she yelled out that I was part of the KKK, and once again nobody really gave a shit. She was just loud and batshit crazy. I left the mall, with my frame getting weaker. She blew up my phone with texts and calls but I ignored. A couple days later, I went to the mall again to get a new phone. She took a picture of my car parked outside (pretty unique so you could easily tell it was mine) and sent it to me on Snapchat. She said "I'm gonna ruin your car if you keep ignoring me". I thankfully got out of the mall without her noticing me. I ignored her snapchat, and didn't think much since she doesn't know where I live anyways. Her interest died off and we quit talking to each other. We still had each other on snapchat though.

Fast forward to February, I was going through a tough time after a close friend committed suicide. I was irritable. I was depressed. She randomly snapchatted me trying to apologize for how she acted. I ignored it. She then sent me a nude and asked if I wanted to fuck. I gave in, and fucked her after I was done at another friends house talking about our friends funeral since we were all super close with him and he even lived with him for a while. I picked her up and we parked at an elementary school and nobody was there since it was the weekend. We fucked in my cramped old Audi. We haven't talked since then.

Lessons learned:

Don't stick your dick in crazy

Hold frame

Don't stick it in AGAIN after what you went through

Submitted August 31, 2018 at 11:45AM by alaskangaming907
Stuck my dick in crazy, went through a month of hell Stuck my dick in crazy, went through a month of hell Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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