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My [24 F] boyfriend [23 M] found out that I used to shoplift a lot as a child, and I still have stuff I stole.

I used to shoplift a lot as a kid. I stopped cold turkey sometime in middle school.

My parents weren't broke, but they encouraged me to shoplift, especially when I was young enough that they could play it off like "Bad kid! Don't you know stealing is wrong! Go apologize, you'll be paying for that out of your allowance". But really, they'd get me to shoplift stuff they wanted for the family. So I thought that was pretty normal, though when I got older and the risks seemed to outweigh the rewards, I stopped. I haven't stolen anything since I was like 13.

I totally changed my views on stealing as I grew up, I know it's wrong and I'm not going to continue.

I still have stuff that I shoplifted though. I don't see what good it would do to throw it away. A huge collection of nail polish, costume jewelry, random small kitchen stuff, small tools, school and office supplies, etc. When I moved out of my parents place, I took everything I had with me because I didn't exactly leave on good terms. Including everything I'd stole. Over time, the amount of shoplifted stuff I have around goes down; nail polish and pens and markers run dry, notebooks get filled up, knickknacks and cheap jewelery breaks, etc.

But there's some stuff that's probably gonna keep on being useful for a long time, like tools, utensils and kitchen gadgets, etc.

I told my boyfriend about this, and he seemed really weirded out by how much I still used that was originally shoplifted. I don't think he was worried because it's evidence laying around, or anything like that. I think he was weirded out that I was still benefitting from having shoplifted, even though I've stopped

He keeps asking me if certain stuff in my apartment is stolen, and I've told him honestly. I think he was surprised by the amount of stuff.

So we're in a weird situation. He is acting super uncomfortable about it all. And I'm not sure if I have some moral obligation to stop using stuff that I got by stealing it over 10 years ago. Maybe donate stuff? Is it reasonable for him to be so sketched out by the situation? He grew up wealthy and super law abiding si that's probably related.

TLDR - My boyfriend who was "raised right" found out that I was encouraged to shoplift as a kid, and I still have stuff that I stole all that time ago.

Submitted August 29, 2018 at 02:14PM by Throwawahayyw
My [24 F] boyfriend [23 M] found out that I used to shoplift a lot as a child, and I still have stuff I stole. My [24 F] boyfriend [23 M] found out that I used to shoplift a lot as a child, and I still have stuff I stole. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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