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Fiance [31M] came home last night from a concert bleeding and beat up.

We've [31M, 31F] been together for two years and engaged recently. I was getting into bed expecting him home any minute when he started pounding loudly on our front door. I opened it to find his face and hands torn, swollen and bleeding, the watch I gave him for his birthday completely destroyed, he was blackout drunk and couldn't explain to me how he got home or what happened.

I dressed his wounds as best I could and he fell asleep - I've been up half the night worried and anxious, and also disappointed in him for getting into something like this. He just started a new, prestigious job that he's been working years to get, and was out with his new coworkers when this happened. What if he got into a fight with one of his coworkers? How is he going to explain the obvious injuries to his face and hands at work?

We're both white collar professionals and this is very out of character for him. His new job definitely has a 'bro' culture, so I'm worried about him. He does have some tendencies to be angry at people that have 'wronged him', but to my knowledge has only gotten into a fight before once (to defend a friend) before we met and has definitely never been violent around me. How should we discuss this when he wakes up?

TLDR: Boyfriend got into a fight (possibly with coworkers) while blackout drunk and I don't know how to handle.

UPDATE: My fiance woke up this morning and went to work after he showered and I bandaged him up again. He was very remorseful and thankful to me for taking care of him. He still can't remember what happened, but he thinks he fell badly when drunk and didn't get into a fight, which I think is plausible since he has no swelling on his face, only bad scrapes. After he got to work, his coworkers told him he had left the concert early (and also to go home because he looks like a mess) - so sometime in between when he left them and when he got home he got into this mess. Unfortunately, we may never find out what happened but at least my concerns about him having gotten into a fight with his coworkers have been put to rest.

We checked his statements and he had spent over $300(!!) on alcohol before and during the concert, hence the blackout drunkness, and also for a cab to go home.

We didn't think of drugs or the ER since he seemed fine in the morning, but now I'm slightly concerned as he's been home for a while and isn't responding to my texts - most likely he's sleeping it off, but I might leave work early to go check on him.

All in all, things turned out better than expected, and I know he's seriously re-evaluating his drinking choices.

Submitted August 29, 2018 at 03:44AM by venturaobscura
Fiance [31M] came home last night from a concert bleeding and beat up. Fiance [31M] came home last night from a concert bleeding and beat up. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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