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My (26M) girlfriend (25F) who was spending every night with me before being exclusive now confessed me that she lied in my face about meeting a guy and kissing him during that phase.

we have been together for 5 months now.

after our first date we spent an entire week together, then I left her for a week but we kept face timing for hours every day and already had a boyfriend-girlfriend type of dynamic. Then we met again in a different country where she went to visit family.

She chose to sleep at my place every day, for three weeks, we would have breakfast together and go on dates in the evening. During the day she would go see her family. We were as close to each other as we are right now. Scrolled up our chats. They were the same as now. Thats a bit scary. Same words, same dynamic, me asking her where is, she sending me updates. telling me how much I mean to her etc. We just had this instant connection to each other from the very beginning.

The second week she was already telling me that she is falling in love with me and that this is extremely special to her etc. this is when this happened. (third week she dropped the 'I love you')

She recently told me, she went to see a 'friend' for a few minutes just to check up with him and that he confessed his love for her (she is super pretty, these type of things happen often). She said she didn't tell me about it back then but I was like it's fine. It was just a friend as I see and super unnecessary.

Then after we talked about it further, she told me that she went to his place to meet him and that he kissed her. She insisted that this guy kissed her and that she didn’t do anything but it didn't make no sense to me as when a guy kisses a girl she can always block it which she didn’t.

She confessed to me that they kissed but then she felt uncomfortable and left she said.

Then she said she just kissed him because she felt bad for him because he told her that his life went to shit since they broke up at 13 as she further confessed that this guy was her first boyfriend when she was like 13 but they had never had slept together or anything and she just wanted to go see him as they happened to be in the same city out of coincidence and she really wanted to hear what he is up to. (keep in mind it is not her home town.

We were as close as we are right now to each other, talked the same way, said the same things. at the second week of being with me, she one day left to meet a couple she said.

That night, she was sleeping at my place, I even brought her to the city. She said she was gonna meet a couple from school and lied to me about everything. After their meeting she came back home to me and acted like she met this couple. A week after this she confessed her love to me.

I don't know what to think. I would have never been able to pull this off. Now she says she thought I was a player and she was thinking that I was playing her.. Which might have seemed that way maybe but I was always very honest to her, gave her all my attention and most importantly time.

She had told me from the beginning that she is monogamous, would never see multiple people at the same time and so did I. Also since she was acting like my girlfriend and telling me all those nice things about her feelings and was truly acting like her eyes only saw me, I just felt like I owed her this. I felt like I'd be an absolutely shit person if I did so. Come on.. She was sleeping at my place every night, I was telling her all these sweet things too, taking her on daily dates, she was acting like head over heels in love with me (so quickly). I could have never seen anyone else during this time.

She told me she just lied about this in the first place because she couldn't tell me she was meeting a male friend who was her first boyfriend but actually didn't mean anything to her.

I talked to her aunt about it, who knows everything about her life. She told me that she feels nothing for this guy and that she really never met this guy ever again after that. She also told me that she is very obsessed with me that she would never do anything like this ever in the relationship and I can truly see that she loves me so does her aunt.

She also told me that she was always very monogamous in every relationship she had and would never ever do something. As she is and was talking about me all time time with her since she met me. She is telling her whole family that she wants to marry me one day. That she wants to have my kids. Also introduced me to her mother. Who she never introduced to anyone before me.

The confession actually came after she started to tell her whole family about marrying me and setting dates to introduce me to them. She is very determined now to show me that i can trust her. She confessed me all about two weeks ago. For an entire week she was crying and having panic attacks all the time, as she was really regretting what she had done and was afraid that I was gonna leave her what I actually was in the beginning then I decided to give her a second chance. Now she is just sad and afraid that I will never be able to trust her but she keeps saying that we belong together and how much I mean for her.

Also happens to be that I have a common friend with this guy, he actually really is very bad with women and a total weirdo what would justify the things she said about him. I could also just ask for the truth.

What would you do in my case? I am crazy in love with her. I still truly believe she is a nice person.


Later on she told me, they kissed because it was a person of her past and the past got a hold of her or something like this. She got back to her past for a moment. She also told me about stories in her past how she blocked kisses. She definitely didn't even try to block this.

TLDR: Me and my gf were as close as were are now from very early on. She used to sleep at my place spend whole day with me. During this time she says she went to meet an old friend to catch up with him at his place. who she then kissed because she felt bad for him, as he confessed his love for her and how his whole life went shit since they broke up at 13 (he was her first boyfriend).

Submitted March 09, 2023 at 05:19PM by 99XHACK
My (26M) girlfriend (25F) who was spending every night with me before being exclusive now confessed me that she lied in my face about meeting a guy and kissing him during that phase. My (26M) girlfriend (25F) who was spending every night with me before being exclusive now confessed me that she lied in my face about meeting a guy and kissing him during that phase. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 10, 2023 Rating: 5

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