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My boyfriend is calling me controlling and saying I need therapy because I got upset he didn't tell me where he went this morning.

I (20F) spent the night at my boyfriend's (25M) house last night. This morning, I wake up and he's not in the room. Whatever. He was gone for like 15 minutes or something. I go to use the bathroom and brush my teeth. I come out, and he walks in the front door. I'm standing in the hallway and he's walking towards me so I say "hey! Where did you go?" he replies, "no where" and walks past me to go into the bedroom. I follow him in and he shuts the door behind me. Then he makes a sarcastic joke about being out cheating with a girl. The girl he mentioned is someone who lives a couple doors down from him on the same floor, and we've been having little arguments about her because I was annoyed that she sends him selfies on snapchat and acts as if she has a crush on him, but he doesn't see it the same way. (He's always been like this. Tries to be funny by making inappropriate jokes about cheating with girls that I get "jealous" over.)

So I start getting a little upset. Not just about the joke, but I'm also still thinking about why he brushed off my question. So I ask him again nicely, "why won't you tell me where you went this morning?" and he replies, "I don't want to tell you." At this point I'm very upset, because a couple weeks ago he lied about not responding to me from 7pm until the next morning because he "fell asleep, " but he was actually out at his dad's house. We had a discussion about how I don't like being lied to and if he could please not do it anymore.

So he keeps avoiding the question and kissing me and hugging me and trying to change the subject. I'm genuinely getting anxiety now. So I tell him again, "I'm starting to get a little annoyed. Why won't you just tell me where you went?" and he says "I went to the rooftop." then he changed his answer to "I went to the mosque to pray."

So he's telling me two different things now, and still trying to change the subject. So I'm just laying in his bed annoyed and not talking or cuddling him back, and he gets up and goes to sit at his desk. He says "are you good?" and I'm like, "No? I'm a little annoyed about your inappropriate joke and why you won't just tell me where you went?" and he says "well im a little annoyed that I'm not in the mood to have s*x anymore because you pissed me off." Then he keeps going and saying things like

"I'm not going to invite you over tonight anymore"

"I don't want to see you until the weekend now. I'm gonna have to change your contact name to Weekends Only because you obviously can't act right on the weekdays"

"Apologize to me"

So I left and went down to my car, and he followed me down there. He said "we have to talk. Either were gonna end things right now or you're gonna apologize to me. " We sat in my car and he started saying more hurtful things that I can't remember, so I was trying to calm him down and apologize for the way that I brought up the issue but he kept interrupting me, calling me the B word, telling me that I can walk out the door anytime and he wouldn't care, etc. Then he angrily gets out of my car while I'm trying to talk to him, slams the door and walks into his apartment. So I just leave and drive to work.

Am I being controlling? He's making me feel crazy and like I'm the one with issues.

TL;DR I (20F) spent the night at my boyfriend's (25M) house last night. When I woke up in the morning, he wasn't there, which is unusual. He came back 5 minutes later. I nicely asked him where he went, he said he didn't want to tell me, then made a joke about being out cheating with a girl that we've been having arguments about. (Hes always been like that, makes cheating jokes about girls that I get "jealous" over.) I got upset and kept asking him why he wouldn't tell me and why he made that inappropriate joke. He refused to tell me where he was, then told me two different stories that he was on the roof of his apartment and then that he went to the mosque to pray. He is now treating me badly and calling me names and saying I'm controlling. Am I asking for too much?

Submitted October 11, 2022 at 04:02PM by Outrageous_Web_7891
My boyfriend is calling me controlling and saying I need therapy because I got upset he didn't tell me where he went this morning. My boyfriend is calling me controlling and saying I need therapy because I got upset he didn't tell me where he went this morning. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 12, 2022 Rating: 5

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