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baby daddy didn't believe his two children were his

Ok to start off all names are changed and this is just my side of things. I (25f) dated a man (29m) let's call him Dan. Dear ole Dan was cute, tall, sweet, and all around seemed like a great guy. We talked for a couple weeks just about everything under the sun. He explained to me he had an ex (30f) before me and she was pregnant. A little shocked but he told me I had nothing to worry about. She got around town a lot and he explained due to an accident as a teen he was infertil. So yep I trusted him and we had relations. Side note: I was on birth control as well. We continue this relationship for 4 months seemed like it was going really well. I met his parents and family at a gathering. Went to cookouts and dates the works.

It started slow but he texted less and called less I didn't know why. I asked quite a few times but he wouldn't tell me. One month after he started that I realized I missed my period. I took a pregnancy test. To my horror it came back positive. I didn't know what to do I knew it could only be Dan's. Well I call saying that we need to meet and I explained what was going on. We discussed all options but I decided I didn't want to end the pregnancy or adoption. He said he would be supportive and be there for my doctors visits. Should have seen this coming but he made it to two of the appointments. He always had an excuse. He continued to string me along for most of the pregnancy and I knew he was busy but damn dude. Like really? I ended it with him 3 months into the pregnancy but still updated him on the baby.

Fast forward a bit his other baby moma was close to term she was about 6 months ahead of me. She didn't know what color her baby was going to be. She had narrowed it down to two men dear Dan a white man and another man of color. He persisted that he was not that baby's father but for some reason was still at the hospital when the baby was born. Well the baby came out white so she said no one but him could be the father and he believed it. Dan stayed at the hospital for five days after. All I said was he should still get a DNA test to be sure. He was pissed I said that but I really didn't care.

Let's jump a little. I texted when my next doctor's appointment was and that the 3D sonogram was this next visit. He said I will make it no problem. He showed up with his first baby moma to my same doctors. (First check up 2 weeks after birth we used same Dr. apparently) I said what the fuck but left it there. He stayed in the room for 5 minutes then went to her. I didn't hear from him for two months after that.

Well I kept his mother updated on the baby even if he didn't answer my texts or ask about the baby I would let her know. She said she needed to talk to me when I had a moment. She called me and explained why Dan was being shady towards me. She said he and first baby moma got back together for the sake of the baby and were trying to be a family. Ooooooookkkkkkk she cheated on him multiple times and confessed to doing this but he still chose this so I told her I understood. She then goes on to tell me he didn't believe my child was his and that he hated that I am staying in contact with his mother telling her things. I was PISSED. She goes on to explain that first baby moma used to run in the same circle of people as me, (Completely false btw), and that I was known to be a loose lady and slept around. Is this where they get that saying a pot calling the kettle black? I got off the phone not long after telling her that there was no chance of anyone else being this baby's father.

I am completely and totally gone by this point. My calm self went out the window when I called and confronted him about this. Dan tiptoed around it but finally said how the hell he could get two women pregnant when he was infertil.

He basically said neither of these kids are his and we were both horrible for trying to trap him. But he is choosing to be with her because she had her child first.

Well I went minimal contact and kept myself healthy for my baby that was coming.

Update: He came to the hospital to see our son for two hours and then left convinced that our son looked nothing like him and refused to sign the birth certificate. I filed for child support as soon as I was able which includes a dna test. And take a wild guess. DAN YOU ARE THE FATHER! I showed his family, him, and baby moma just for good measure. I also told him infront of his mother I would prefer a deathrow inmate to be the father over him any day. That made him pretty angry but made me feel great. He still doesn't check on his son. Missed his last birthday completely. Our son is 3 now and so cute! I have a wonderful relationship going life has gone great for me. He is still with first baby moma and had another child with her. He barely has anything to do with them and dumps them on her mom or his whenever he gets a chance. (His Mother still talks and complains all the time about him to me). Anyways I hope my story was mildly entertaining and I hope you all have a great day

TL;DR: baby daddy said first girlfriend was a loose woman after she got pregnant she also cheated on him. Called me a loose woman after I got pregnant convinced neither her child nor mine are his. Still an ass after 3yrs

Submitted October 25, 2022 at 07:07PM by Practical_Date5464
baby daddy didn't believe his two children were his baby daddy didn't believe his two children were his Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 26, 2022 Rating: 5

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