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I'm (19 M) confused about signals I'm getting from my highschool best friend (F18)

Sooo this is my first time posting on here and I'm a bit nervous about it because of my anxiety but anyways

I had to retake my final year in high school (Grade 12 in my country) due to me failing because I had been taking care of my mom because she had gotten sick

and I bonded with my new classmates really well and was the centre of class and accepted in every friend group

So near the final exam period 2 girls joined our class and I hit it off with both since day 1 and had above average chemistry with one of the girls let's call her A

So my classmates being goofy they started shipping us publicly and I started to like this girl over time and we were really close but she was taken and made it clear that she saw us as only friends when she was hearing about all of the shipping talk

I respected that and never flirted with her or made any moves and went on with life and graduated and started college tho she failed and is having to retake the year and I gradually cut her off cuz it didn't make sense for me to stay around her cuz I liked her so much at that point and didn't wanna hurt myself or stick around in a situation where nothing can develop out of this

So a while ago the other girl who is A's best friend reached out to me and requested to borrow some money from me and she's never asked for anything from me so I helped (let's call this girl B)

So B was the only person who knew I really liked A and she never told her and when she asked me who I had stayed in touch with I told her that I didn't have contact with anyone from high school anymore and then she asked: Not even A? And winked at me and I was like no cuz it's gonna hurt me

And today A reached out to me out of the blue and asked for my opinion on her WhatsApp story which I hadn't even opened and It was a pic of her and B and I said it's alright and she started asking me if she looked better back in high school or now and I was like idk (cuz it's obv she had gotten slightly less attractive due to stress or something else) and then she said she wanna immigrate so she can seek a better life because she's tired of living where we are

(Note I forgot to add is back in high school when people shipped us like crazy she friend zoned me but would still tease me about rejecting me if I thought about asking her out and how I am not allowed to date even tho she rejected me and she said all of that as a joke)

So back to the main story I replied to her with "why do all the girls in my life gotta stress and worry me" because she was being pessimistic about life and she was like " oh I see you've been having girl action since the last time we spoke" (I cut her off for like 3 months)

And I said I don't date anyone because I have to trust them and know them well and bond before we date and that can't happen fast and then she replied with "Do you trust me?" And I was like "you're different because we're like close friends" and she was like nvm and said she's dissapointed cuz I'm not telling her about my new crush and I said I don't wanna talk about this and she respected that and said she supports me and is down to talk to me if I wanna vent and that I should trust her and said she would text me next thing in the morning and I'm typing this before I go to sleep

TLDR: High school close friend who is taken and had friendzoned me because of high school shipping is giving me mixed signals (she's been giving me mixed signals ever since we met) and idk what to do

Submitted October 18, 2022 at 06:08PM by italic999brisket
I'm (19 M) confused about signals I'm getting from my highschool best friend (F18) I'm (19 M) confused about signals I'm getting from my highschool best friend (F18) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 19, 2022 Rating: 5

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