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How would you fairly split finances?

Tl;dr my boyfriend and I make a similar income so we split finances equally, but he comes from a wealthy family and I do not

What do you think is a fair way to split finances as a couple? There are so many factors that go into it and I’m unsure how to approach the subject.

My boyfriend (28M) and I (25F) have been together for over a year and recently moved in together. We split our rent, utilities, groceries, etc. equally as we make a very similar amount of money.

However, I’m feeling as though it’s a little unfair and slightly more of a financial burden on me because he comes from a wealthy family and I do not.

For some background, his family paid for his college tuition and living expenses until he graduated, recently gave him down payment money for his car, regularly gives him money for investments, buys him expensive gifts (a MacBook, designer clothes, etc). I did not receive any financial support from my parents after graduating high school. I worked multiple jobs, but still had to take out some student loans which I am now repaying. I also know that any money I want to save/invest will have to come from me and not my family. All that being said, I end up having much less disposable income than him because I am paying for half of our bills, as well as repaying student loans and attempting to save/invest. He is paying half of our bills, and anything left over is disposable income because the rest is covered by his parents. We don’t go out to dinner often, but if we do, he usually pays. I more often pay for little treats like ice cream.

On one hand, it feels unfair to be splitting the bills equally. He has money to buy nice things, eat lunch out while he’s at work, get Starbucks, etc. I do not. I have also started a second job in an attempt to have a bit more disposable income.

On the other hand, I know his parents did not pay for his college, do not give him money to invest, etc for my benefit. So it also doesn’t feel right for him to pay more simply because his parents were able to give him a leg up.

My feelings are conflicting so I’m not sure how to approach the subject with him, or if I even should. What would you do in this situation?

Submitted October 01, 2022 at 07:14PM by Suitable_Recipe1572
How would you fairly split finances? How would you fairly split finances? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 02, 2022 Rating: 5

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