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Clingy girlfriend gave me and my roommates COVID. Toxic behavior or am I overthinking?

My girlfriend (24F) and I (26M) have been seeing each other for a little over a year. She’s really nice to me but she’s not very independent, and sometimes she makes me feel like she wouldn’t be able to survive without me.

She recently caught COVID (we don’t live together) and I suggested that maybe she could self isolate, and I could support her over the phone instead of having her coming over like she usually does.

I don’t mind taking the risk myself and getting COVID (although I prefer not to), but the main thing I’m worried about is that I live with multiple roommates right now and my younger brother is staying with us, and I don’t think they’d be comfortable with her breaking quarantine just because she wants to see me.

Anyways, I talked to her about my concerns and she was really upset that I didn’t think she should visit. She said I wasn’t being supportive and I was being a bad boyfriend for not taking care of her while she’s sick.

I would come to her place but it’s physically too small for the both of us, and she’s technically not allowed to have guests.

I talked to my roommates about it, and they said it would be okay if we just confined to one room. She ended up coming over and everyone got sick, and they weren’t super happy about that.

Does anyone have any advice?

I can’t tell if her clinginess is toxic or if I’m just overthinking things.

Would appreciate any suggestions!

TLDR: My girlfriend got really upset at me for wanting her to self-isolate when she had COVID. I just wanted her to self-isolate because I didn’t want her to get my roommates sick, but she ended up coming over anyways. We all ended up getting sick as a result. How should I have handled this?

EDIT: To be clear, I did inform my roommates about this beforehand, and the plan was to self-isolate in my room so we could minimize the risk of infection. My roommates understood we were having issues and they agreed she could come over based on the circumstances. I should’ve made that more clear in the original post.

Submitted October 03, 2022 at 04:35AM by Angels_Ten
Clingy girlfriend gave me and my roommates COVID. Toxic behavior or am I overthinking? Clingy girlfriend gave me and my roommates COVID. Toxic behavior or am I overthinking? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 03, 2022 Rating: 5

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