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[29/m] My girlfriend (26/f) very rarely compliments my appearance or looks. Gets angry when I mention that I find it weird.

My girlfriend of 6 months very rarely compliments my looks or appearance. I think the most I've gotten out of her is that she likes a particular shirt I'm wearing. It's the complete opposite from me, I'm constantly complimenting her looks, her clothes, the pics she sends me, etc. Things came to a boil last night when I sent her a pic of me in the gym and she just kinda ignored it (not the first time), and when I'm like, "what, no comment?" she replied something snarky like "you just look big because you're in the gym (getting a pump), send me something post gym and maybe I'll comment". And I'm just like ???

So then I messaged her that I find it really weird that I get compliments from colleagues, coworkers, girl friends, etc. but my own girlfriend is so reluctant to compliment me. That she's openly told me a couple times that other guys are good looking, handsome, or have a good body, but when it comes to me, she's never told me these things when other people have.

She then got angry and defensive saying things like she doesn't expect me to compliment her so I shouldn't expect her to, that I'm being immature for just wanting compliments, that I'm "toxic" for making an issue of this. That she shouldn't have to say anything for me to know if she finds me attractive. That good looking guys don't need to be told they're good looking. And that she doesn't compliment any guys like that (I'm thinking, "ok, but I'm your boyfriend, not just any guy") I asked her if she'd be fine with me never complimenting her and she replied that she doesn't care, she doesn't think about these things.

Am I being stupid and immature for wanting my girlfriend to be comfortable with complimenting me? I feel like it's a such a basic part of a relationship that shouldn't be asked for, feeling loved and wanted, verbal affirmations, etc. I don't know what to do here. I've told her how I feel but she refuses to acknowledge it's even a problem, she's instead blaming me for feeling like this.

TL;DR: Girlfriend doesn't compliment my physical appearance or looks despite other girls in my doing so. I find it weird. She gets mad at me for making it an issue.

Submitted October 13, 2022 at 06:18PM by kerosha
[29/m] My girlfriend (26/f) very rarely compliments my appearance or looks. Gets angry when I mention that I find it weird. [29/m] My girlfriend (26/f) very rarely compliments my appearance or looks. Gets angry when I mention that I find it weird. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 14, 2022 Rating: 5

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