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My (24M) girlfriend (23F) blocked me while training across the country.

This story goes back to when we first broke up with each-other.

My girlfriend of eight months said she wanted to break up so she could work on herself and find herself. I was devastated because I finally completely opened myself up to her. My last relationship really destroyed my trust in people in general. But I reluctantly accepted it.

She started doing dance training with the dance instructor. She had been talking with him for a little bit before we broke up. I had a weird gut feeling about it, but I opened my trust in her. She ghosts me, and I notice on my Find My app that she is staying over at this guys house a couple days after we broke up. Terrible gut feeling ensues.

Long story short; she slept with him a mere couple days after we broke up. I vowed to never speak to her again. I feel betrayed. I felt like she was monkey-branching.

She begs me to come back and be with her, and that it meant nothing. That she wants to be with me forever. She wants to work on us, build a life, and flourish together. We talked for hours about the situation, and how she’s going to have to gain my trust back, and she was willing to do that.

I have to give a second chance, I thought. We christened our new start with a promise ring. We had a great couple days.

Until she went to dance, and wanted lessons from another different dance instructor. I made it clear that I must be present. She understood. We did dance lessons together with him. It went well, and he was nice.

The night comes along, they have a two hour conversation on the phone about her coming back with him to train in Quebec. I was devastated. She said how great of an opportunity this is for here and that I have to trust her. I was uneasy about this very much so because I need to have that trust built first, but I support her. I told her to keep in contact, communicate with me, and she’ll be back in six weeks. She leaves the next week.

I send her messages of support and love, and she minimally contacts me. That’s fine; she’s busy. She’s training and working hard. I ask her to phone me, and she dismisses me and says she doesn’t want any contact and I am distracting her. I am hurt by this, but I try to explain to her the trauma from the previous situation and that she has to work with me on this. She doesn’t want to talk about it.

I get no messages from her, but I send her love every day. Messages, pictures of us, support for her training. A week goes by, I ask her to phone me.

She phones me, and she is mad. She doesn’t want to talk, I tell her that I need some communication on this. She then says she’s thinking of staying in Quebec, and we’ll have a discussion on our relationship when she decides, and that she might not be back in the time period she said she would be.

..i am distraught. I ask her to work with me and communicate with me about this decision and that we are a team. I ask her about long distance faithfulness and if it’s something I have to worry about (because she indicated earlier that she couldn’t do long distance). She says I am being demeaning, blocks me and removes me off everything. Leaving me in a terrible headspace of waiting.

I feel betrayed, pushed away, abandoned. Am I wrong for feeling this way? I am so destroyed by this behaviour and I want to just say “Fuck it.” To me, it’s like she just broke up with me. Am I being irrational and possessive here? Am I wrong for feeling this way? It feels like something is going on. I feel like this is absolutely disgusting behaviour to do to someone, and that it is unacceptable. Am I right? Any help would be appreciated.

tl;dr: girlfriend broke up with me, monkey branched, asked for me back, we’re together, she left for training across country, and refuses to communicate and blocked me on everything. is this acceptable?

Submitted August 05, 2022 at 01:19AM by BlondeDylan
My (24M) girlfriend (23F) blocked me while training across the country. My (24M) girlfriend (23F) blocked me while training across the country. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 05, 2022 Rating: 5

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