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Guy wants to go no contact for a week after arguement.

I(24FM) met this guy (24) on tinder a month ago. We started texting daily but only had our first date last week because I was on vacation.The date went very well,I stayed at his place and we had sex. The day after the date he texted me first but I started noticing that he had become more distant. I assumed he was just busy with work and asked if he wanted to see me again,to which he replied yes. 3 days later he left to go visit his family.

I texted him but I still felt that something was off by his replies. Long story short I messaged him one morning saying how I felt and by the evening he hadn't texted me back yet. I'm quite an anxious person so when I feel ignored I go into panic mode. I regret this,but I sent another text saying that I thought he was better than this,not the kind of person to ghost someone and that I at least deserved to know if he had lost interest. He said that he felt like I was accusing him out of the blue ,that he isn't into texting and was just busy and spending time with family. He didn't understand why I was acting that way. I explained that I don't need him to text me 24/7 but I don't like being ingnored;he could have told me sooner that he was just busy and I wouldn't have freaked out.

The day after out arguement,this guy sent me a text saying that he felt upset and suggested stopping contact until he comes back from visiting family(in a week), so that we can both reflect on the situation. I agreed to give him space and apologized for overreacting. Is this a nice way of stopping talking to me or is he genuinely hurt? I would really appreciate your opinion on this; I'm very confused. Thanks guys.

TL;DR: Met a guy on tinder; first date went well; I then got paranoid and felt he was getting distant; I texted him about how I felt and told him he was a bad person; he says he was just busy and feels upset about my reaction; he suggested stopping texting until he comes back from visiting family next week.

Submitted August 12, 2022 at 04:18AM by lolaalol988
Guy wants to go no contact for a week after arguement. Guy wants to go no contact for a week after arguement. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 12, 2022 Rating: 5

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