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I (m18) am so confused on the situation between my good friend (f18) and I

Hey everyone. As the title says: I've been slowly working towards being with a good friend of mine for years. I care about her so much, and I would love to be with her, but... I'm also willing to give up if it means she will be happier without me. This is besides the point, sorry lmfao. Anyways...

I have reason to believe we are into eachother:

  1. We have been spending more time around eachother than ever before.
  2. If there are open spots at a table, she will always pick the seat next to me.
  3. We went to the movies alone
  4. We've been texting A LOT. We are both the person we text the most.
  5. She convinced me to go to a dance last night (February 26th)
  6. She wanted us to stick to our dinner plans with us together, not with our other friends.

Let's talk about the dance: I am a naturally shy and awkward guy, so dancing isn't necessarily my thing, but I tried to feel the music and just be... goofy? After awhile I just felt myself change, and I was having a good time actually dancing a bit. She too would dance a bit. Then it comes to the final slow song of the night, our friends left, every other person there is slow dancing with their partner. Then there was us. Just standing.

Keep in mind, up until this point I was trying to find ways to make any sort of move, but my spirits were lightly crushed the moment we walked through the door. She went stopped to talk to another girl real quick, and I just barely heard the following conversation (F for the Friend. S for my friend): F "Hey! You look amazing! Who's this?" (Referring to me) S "He's a friend" F "Yeah? Are you sure?" S "Yes"

They then said their goodbyes and S caught up to me. In my mind I was screaming. The pain was immeasurable.

But... back to the slow dance: Already feeling disheartened, I decide to say, "I feel like we should be doing something" She replied with, "Would you like to dance?" I said, "Would YOU like to dance?" She responds, "I asked first" I cave in, "Sure. If you would like to"

In that moment she wraps her arms around my neck. Me not knowing how to slow dance asks her where my hands go. Without hesitation she hastily brings my hands to her waist. We smile as we look at eachother, dancing. But that conversation I heard when we first walked in stuck with me. I feel like I could've done more to make her experience better, but my nerves and thoughts prevented me.

I wanted to make moves. I want to believe the feeling is mutual. At the same time: I don't wanna mess things up. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I just want what's best for her, not me.

I don't know. I'm lost in my thoughts. Any help/input is greatly appreciated.

Extra info: We often playfully hit/push eachother. I'm the only one in the friend group that she bullies (In a playful manner)

TLDR; I really like my friend, and we've gone to events alone (movie/dinner/dance), so I have reason to believe there might be some spark between us. We are a lot closer than we ever have been. At the dance, we finally danced together. Magical moment. But a previous conversation I overheard was calling me simply a friend. Pain.

Submitted February 27, 2022 at 08:59AM by Lonely_Yet_Happy-
I (m18) am so confused on the situation between my good friend (f18) and I I (m18) am so confused on the situation between my good friend (f18) and I Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 28, 2022 Rating: 5

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