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Another ( 48F) berates me ( 18F) for my fitness lifestyle

a little backstory: i started lifting weights five years ago. before i lifted weights, i was very skinny, straved myself and was just underweight. people used to ask me if a was an*exic.. even my own mom would call me names for how i skinny i looked. she told me that i looked like a grasshopper and told me i looked like a little boy. the gym has helped me gain a new confidence in myself. i’m 150 lbs and healthy and yes i have some muscle.

my mother called me today and i told her about how good my gym session was and she said “ you’ve gotten huge. you look like a man now. your upper body is HUGE. some people like to look manly but me personally, i like to look feminine. “. then all i said back was “ okay” and then she said “ but you have to be happy with yourself. some people like to look manly. and what’s up with your face? it has looked so puffy and fat lately!” and i just hung up and said “ i gotta go now!”. she went as LOW as should could because a month ago, my ex called and told me that my face was fat and chubby and i blocked him. it really hurt my feelings and she was the one comforting me. now… she’s pointing out an insecurity that i already said bothered me.

ever since i started going to the gym, she makes fun of me and tells every one that i’m a food obsessed daughter. i literally eat like a normal person. when we are out in public she’s always calling people ‘ fat’ and saying something mean about their looks. i’ve told my family that my mom does this and she gaslights me in front of them and says that i’m a liar and that she never says those things. she also said that since my face was so fat and i lift weights, i will have heart problems down the road and that i look so big and stupid.

TDLR: just needing some advice or at least what i can do to stop her.

Submitted February 21, 2022 at 04:21PM by kaykaythrowaway1
Another ( 48F) berates me ( 18F) for my fitness lifestyle Another ( 48F) berates me ( 18F) for my fitness lifestyle Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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