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My (35F) husband (33M) doesn't exercise. What do I do?

My husband (33M) and I (35F) have been married for almost 7 years. We love each other very much, even after all this time. The issue is that he has some unhealthy habits. For example, he'll get fast food on his way home from work; he's been smoking cigarettes more often; hasn't been to the doctor hardly at all since we got married; and he doesn't hardly exercise at all. Now, I'm not a fit guru or anything. I am healthy but not an exercise freak. I have a weekly Zumba class and I go on a hike 1-2 times per week and mayyyybe will do yoga once a while, but I don't go to the gym or anything, and I'm fine with it. But my husband doesn't exercise at all. Once I took him on what I thought was a low-medium level hike, and we had to turn around and come back because he was out of breath and his feet hurt. So mostly, I don't ask him to go anymore.

We've always had a fairly hands-off relationship: "You do what makes me happy, I'll do what makes me happy." He plays a lot of video games--which I am fine with (I'm also a gamer). I want him to do what makes him happy. I just wish that he would spend a little bit more time taking care of himself, and like, eat a salad once in a while.

I want to stress that these issues are not moral ones for me. I don't think there's anything moral or amoral about exercise, videogames, smoking, fast food, or salads. It's just that all of these things combined seem to add up to him not being able to go on a walk with me without getting winded.

I only bring this up because I plan to grow old with this man, and I would like him to stick around a while. I have folks in my family who died young because they didn't take care of themselves. When I've brought up health things with him in the past, he's freaked out and got upset/mad at himself, but then nothing changes. I just want him to be ok so we can grow old together, but I also don't want to be a nag or try to take responsibility for his body--I know that it is his responsibility and not mine. So, what should I do? Leave it? Force him to face some realities? How can I have a conversation without upsetting him?

TD;LR: Husband won't exercise and I need advice on what to do about it.

Submitted September 02, 2021 at 09:23AM by throwawaywalkies
My (35F) husband (33M) doesn't exercise. What do I do? My (35F) husband (33M) doesn't exercise. What do I do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on September 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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