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My boyfriend (22M) and I (25F) can’t seem to agree when it comes to hygiene

Before I proceed with this post, I would like to clarify that my boyfriend is generally a clean person. He showers and brushes his teeth daily, keeps his clothes clean, and I frequently see him clean his belongings (e.g. his car, laptop, etc). The one thing he doesn’t seem to think is important, however, is to wash his hands. We’ve already had so many discussions on this issue but just can’t come to a resolution.

I don’t really consider myself to be a huge germaphobe. I wash my hands probably a few times a day - after visiting public places (e.g. grocery store, bank, park, etc), after using the restroom, before eating, and before I prepare food. I think this is the bare minimum, especially while being in a pandemic. My boyfriend just doesn’t seem to be on the same page. Whenever we go out, I see him touch a bunch of things, such as door handles, public benches, and restaurant tablets without feeling any need to sanitize his hands afterwards. He doesn’t do it after he gets home, he doesn’t do it before eating, and I even have to remind him to do it before making food. He used to go straight to touching my face until I confronted him about how much this bothers me. Sometimes he’ll use sanitizer in the car, but it’s not consistent.

Personally, I find this to be as bad as only showering twice a week or not brushing your teeth in the morning. As much as I wish I could look past it, I can’t help but feel grossed out. I don’t mind reminding him from time to time to wash his hands, but I’m also bothered by the fact that he doesn’t feel the need to do it on his own. I feel ridiculous when I have to remind him to do something so simple.

This has been an ongoing issue for almost ten months now and we’ve had countless discussions about it. Every time we discuss it, it seems to get better for a while, but it never stays a consistent habit. I notice he’ll sanitize his hands at random times but not after he actually touches something dirty. Sometimes he’ll decide to do it if he sees me doing it first. Generally, however, I notice a lack of initiative when it comes to keeping his hands clean and I find myself having to remind him over and over. It’s getting to the point where its starting to build resentment in our relationship. I’m frustrated because this overall seems like such a minor and fixable issue, yet we just can’t seem to get past it. Am I being unreasonable about this? Or is this completely his own issue?

TLDR; I find myself frequently bothered by my bf’s hygiene habits when it comes to hand-washing. Despite talking about it countless times, we can’t seem to find a resolution.

Submitted April 30, 2021 at 01:13PM by lrytsai
My boyfriend (22M) and I (25F) can’t seem to agree when it comes to hygiene My boyfriend (22M) and I (25F) can’t seem to agree when it comes to hygiene Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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