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Boyfriend(24M) Wasn't Considerate of My(21F) Time

My(21F) boyfriend(24M) of 2 years, told me he forgot he had a time to "pick up his new car" today today at the time he and I were supposed to go out. He had communicated that this would take no more than 15 minutes and when he was done, he'd text me to let me know when he was on his way to pick me up. He had let me know all of this ahead of time. So we/I adjust the meet time, and plan my day according so that I could compromise on this new time. No biggie.

The time comes around and turns out, he's not only picking up a car, he's going through the whole process of test driving, and buying the car. Which, actually is a whole process in itself, taking way longer than 15 minutes. Time comes and he doesn't text me or anything so I know he's being held up. And an hour later passes and I have to reach out to ask him if we're still on, and he says we can still do something but by then I felt it was way too late and I have work early tomorrow which he knows. He apologizes, but I feel like it's still really disrespectful of my time. And this has happened a couple times before from his lack of communication and update.

I am left feeling like I'm always waiting around to do things on HIS time and that I have to ask for him to communicate his side of what's going on, regarding plans that involve BOTH of our time. It's frustrating feeling like he's not considerate or respectful of MY time. Had he communicated it was taking longer, I would understand, but he didn't take that initative and I was sitting on his time with no update.

So he apologizes, but I still feel resentful and frustrated. When he upsets me, I find it harder to move forward to forgive. I hold like a grudge, and find it harder to just move past how annoyed I am with how much of my time was wasted today. What can I do to be more forgiving and understanding once he's already apologized?

TLDR: Boyfriend apologizes for being inconsiderate of my time, but I find it hard for me to accept and move on.

Submitted May 27, 2021 at 07:55AM by ThrowRA0711214
Boyfriend(24M) Wasn't Considerate of My(21F) Time Boyfriend(24M) Wasn't Considerate of My(21F) Time Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on May 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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