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My (26F) future BIL (24M) left a drunk message saying he's in love with me

I have been with my partner 'Kate' (27F) for five years. Kate has a younger brother, 'Stephen' (24M). Throwaway because a bunch of friends use reddit.

With covid passing, Kate and I decided to make it official and got a place for a wedding in December. We announced it last night, and almost everyone's response was 'What took you so long?' Everyone except Stephen.

I got home from work this evening to find a message on my phone from Stephen, who was obviously drunk and intermittently sobbing. To paraphrase: he's been in love with me from the moment we met, he's never dated anyone else because he thought I'd come around, he prayed every night that I'd see how much happier he could make me than Kate, and that it's not fair that I'm a lesbian. He ended with begging me not to tell Kate or their parents, he's resigned to Kate and I getting married, and he felt he needed to say this to be honest with himself.

I'm not totally surprised, Stephen tried to hit on me at the same Christmas party where I met Kate and he's expressed unhappiness at my relationship with her before, usually along the lines of he thinks Kate is going to cheat on me and I need a partner who's reliable (Kate's a professional artist, Stephen's an engineer), things like that. I've told him before I'm not interested in men, and otherwise try to politely ignore him when he gets like that.

My gut instinct is to delete the message and pretend it never happened, but at this point I don't know if that would make the situation worse or if I need to tell Kate and/or their parents.

tl;dr: day after my wedding announcement, future BIL left a drunk message confessing he's in love with me, don't know what to do

Submitted April 29, 2021 at 04:47PM by Odd-Kaleidoscope-281
My (26F) future BIL (24M) left a drunk message saying he's in love with me My (26F) future BIL (24M) left a drunk message saying he's in love with me Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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