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My (24F) husband (26m) wants me to get a job

The problem is that I’m a SAHM to two littles. Oldest is about to be 2, youngest is 9 months and breastfed. I do literally everything, except make money. I clean the house, take care of laundry, groceries, and 100% the kids. He doesn’t help in any way. He will not even change diapers, feed them, bathe them. Nothing. I can’t see there’s any way I can afford to put them in daycare and work, I’ll literally work to pay for their daycare which won’t benefit us financially. I can’t work at night because my youngest doesn’t sleep through the night and he works during the day so he couldn’t take care of them even if he actually would take care of them. I haven’t had any luck finding a job that is work from home that isn’t phone based. Both of the children are glued to me 24/7 and they obviously don’t stay quiet. I’m just at a loss. I’m exhausted from never having alone time or any help, let alone being able to find a job that I can do and manage to run the household and raise my children.

Info: He does make enough money for us to pay all of our bills and afford groceries. He wants money to buy whatever he wants when he wants, which play money for any of us isn’t really in the budget.

TLDR: husband wants me to get a job but with two littles it seems impossible

EDIT: I just want to add that he is military and works longer hours than most jobs. Which also means no overtime. He also suffers from ADHD and other issues, which makes it harder on us because if I ask him to do something, he will completely zone out and forget. His biggest reasoning behind wanting me to also work is that he feels beyond stressed with carrying the weight of the income and worrying about not having having enough funds to support our family. He’s absolutely not a horrible person, he just wasn’t raised properly but he is in counseling and taking care of his mental health. He is active in the kids lives when it comes to playing with them and teaching them. If I were to go to the grocery store alone, he would absolutely change their diapers and take care of what is necessary for them, but because of limited funds I don’t get to go out and do much so I’m always home, so I always take care of them.

Submitted April 27, 2021 at 04:54PM by b3kahboo
My (24F) husband (26m) wants me to get a job My (24F) husband (26m) wants me to get a job Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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