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My (44F) husband (40M) and son (20M) are both horrible to me and I'm not sure how to change things, or even escape. They seemingly hate me for getting knowledge about politics and history.

I'll try to keep it short. My friend told me to post here. I feel like my husband has, over the years, gotten worse in terms of how he treats me, as I have changed. Hes emotionally abusive and dismissive to any possible thing I have to say. He critiques me for being fat (I am really that fat, I am 5'10 193 lbs), he critiques me for having different political views than him, he critiques me for all kinds of stuff. I grew up in a small town in Arkansas. I grew up so stupid and ignorant, its almost hard to believe I was ever like that for so long. And now that I read more, and I talk more about politics and history and all kinds of stuff, he gets me at me, as if he thinks a 'wife' is supposed to just not know anything.

Well Im sorry if I know more than him about politics and history. But maybe he should fucking grow up!. Im trying to make myself into a more intelligent person, and he thinks its bad? Like I brought up the stuff in myanmar, I spent a bit reading about their historical situation and all that, Aung San Suu Kyi (yes, I had to google her name to spell it LOL) and how much I admired her, and I brought it up to him, and he was fixin to be mad at me for even mentioning it, like his face was all twisted and mad. I was doing a bit of research into housing stuff, like how parking minimums and zoning cause housing shortages in cities, and I was talking to my friend over the phone about it, and my husband chastised me afterwards. I don't try to assign myself to anything, but he was calling me a 'commie' and all kinds of stuff. Saying that I was getting brainwashed by the media and all that. He really went in on me. Nothing I have been researching has been from the media! I am so pissed off at me him doing this to me like this. At times I felt like he was trying to egg me on, tryna get me to say something like liberal or something. As if I having complex views on stuff made me a liberal?? Sorry I dont mean to say it that way, I have no issue with liberals, I don't have a political leaning one way or the other.

The issue is, my son is also like him. My son is following in my fathers footstops, bullying me and making fun of me for talking about this stuff. He does the same stuff, calling me all kinds of names and stuff. It makes me upset, hes my baby but he is totally in step with his father. They both bully me, together. The funny thing is, I love my sons fiance, who is super intelligent and I talk to her about stuff a lot. But regardless, both my husband and my son are basically bullying me.... over paying attention? Idk I am very just distraught, I feel like I am in a corner. I feel like I want to leave. But I dont know how, and I dont know if I want to.

TL;DR - - I have recently gotten into politics and geography and history and my husband and son are bullying me and berating me for it.

Submitted April 28, 2021 at 09:32PM by boran25ggg
My (44F) husband (40M) and son (20M) are both horrible to me and I'm not sure how to change things, or even escape. They seemingly hate me for getting knowledge about politics and history. My (44F) husband (40M) and son (20M) are both horrible to me and I'm not sure how to change things, or even escape. They seemingly hate me for getting knowledge about politics and history. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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