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(24F)gf and (29M) bf. Am I being unappreciative/ over thinking things or there is something going on

Bf and I have been dating for almost 5 years now and with that timeline I feel like he just stops trying. Unless of course I ask him like I ask him for flowers or anything he would give them, but he would never get them just out of a whim. I still remember when I asked for flowers he told me that I already have so much plants (I’m a plantmom lol) and so why do I need flowers if I already have plants. We’re not necessarily long distance but we do live 50mins from each other. I just feel like he stopped trying unless I ask for it. Also, we celebrated Valentine’s this Friday and he mentions how much he spend so much money on Valentine’s gift and that the flowers were expensive. It feels awkward and I feel bad because I feel like I’m asking things too much from him. During dinner while we were waiting for food he didn’t want to talk and was just staring in the space. Later that night he told me that he just wanted to play paintball and that’s all he can think about and added “it’s not like you’re not important, but I’m just excited with paintball”. I just brushed it off and try to understand and be a supportive gf. Looking at other couples their bf seems excited when they see their gf and mine is just I feel like I’m not as important. Idk if I’m overthinking things and being unappreciative of other things he does for me.

Tldr: I feel like my bf isn’t trying anymore and I feel like I’m just his todo list. However, I feel like I’m being unappreciative because of other things he does for me.

Submitted February 13, 2021 at 02:50PM by calpii
(24F)gf and (29M) bf. Am I being unappreciative/ over thinking things or there is something going on (24F)gf and (29M) bf. Am I being unappreciative/ over thinking things or there is something going on Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on February 13, 2021 Rating: 5

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