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My best friend [F, 34] is furious with me [M, 27], but I don't think it's for the right reasons.

First, here is some necessary background information. My best friend, let's call her B, lost her daughter back in November of 2018. B's daughter died due to abuse and neglect from B's best friend (ex best friend now, obv). CPS has been working on her case ever since. And because of that loss, B has been understandably clingy with her remaining 3 boys. I met her the following February through work.

We worked together for about a year. During that time, we found out we have a lot in common. I'm gay, so i have no interest in dating her, and she feels the same towards me. But we became the best of friends. I even saved her life twice (long stories there), on top of helping her in any way I can. And she has been appreciative of all of it, truly. And when she lost her job, due to distance, I supported her as much as possible until she got a new one.

Right before the everything shut down earlier this year, B called to say she had an interview at a Waffle House and needed a ride. I was busy at work, so i called her a Lyft. Her sister, in the meantime, was supposed to watch her kids while they went to church. I get a call from a hysterical B saying that CPS is taking her kids away. The new agent that was assigned to her case stopped by randomly to find that her boys were alone.

I'm telling you all of this so that you all can understand that she is not a bad mother. In fact, she is a very loving, wonderful mother who is struggling through a dark, terrible time. But her boys were taken away none the less. The relevance will become clear shortly.

Now let's fast forward to yesterday. I had left my job a few week prior and was working for Lyft in the meantime. I had overslept (majorly) and missed picking her up for her bi-weekly meeting with her boys. She called and hour and a half after the meeting was supposed to start yo ask wtf I was doing. I freak out, because I felt so bad, and asked (in an upset tone) why she was only just now calling. She said that she had been texting me, but she knows that my phone (for some reason) sometimes doesn't receive text messages until I unlock it. And that was the case this time. I asked again why she didn't call earlier, but she simply hung up on me.

The next thing I know, she is texting me about how its all my fault for blowing her off. When I tried to explain that I overslept, she accused me of lying. She thinks that I was out having fun with a mutual friend of ours. I presented all the evidence I could to prove the contrary, but she was listening to it. She said that i should just go kill myself and then blocked me.

Now, I know I messed up. But I love her family, and up until recently, they loved me. Her boys even call me uncle. I even brought her to previous meetings. But this one time I mess up, she's done with me. I don't know what to do or even think about this...

Tl;dr: I messed up by failing to bring my best friend to see her boys. While it was an innocent mistake, she doesn't believe that. She thinks I blew her off and hates me now, because of it.

----------------------------‐------------------------------ EDIT: To try and answer some commenter's questions about how did her daughter die and why her boys were left alone:

Back in 2018, her boyfriend at the time had stolen her bank cards and vehicle. Thus, she wasn't able to get to the job she had and eventually got evicted from her apartment. She wound up moving in with a friend of hers, but that friend said she didn't have room for B and her 4 kids (since she had 3 kids of her own and a BF). So, her mother begrudgingly accepted to take care of the kids but not B. But then her (now ex) best friend wanted to take in her daughter. B agreed, but wound up having all contact cut off from her best friend and daughter. She wasn't able to get to her daughter until it was too late. Now please understand that i am leaving out a LOT of details, because i honestly don't want to be writing a whole book for this post, and that's what it would take to encompass the whole scope of the situation.

As far as her boys being left alone, her sister had already taken them to church. Perhaps I didn't make that clear. But instead of watching them after getting back home until B got back from her interview, B's sister simply dropped them off and left. They were 10, 9, and 3 years old.

Submitted September 30, 2020 at 04:50PM by Smokington
My best friend [F, 34] is furious with me [M, 27], but I don't think it's for the right reasons. My best friend [F, 34] is furious with me [M, 27], but I don't think it's for the right reasons. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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