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My (26F) household is COVID positive. My father (82M), who thinks the virus is a conspiracy, refuses to stay home.

Title pretty much sums it up... I’m at the end of my rope and am not sure what to do here that will keep him and others safe.

My mom (64F) tested positive yesterday after being extremely sick for 4 days. The doctor said everyone in the house should quarantine for the duration of her being ill (at least 10 days) and also get a test.

My dad already has made it a point to huff and make little comments about us being sheep/dramatic when we were calling to cancel our appointments for the week and warn work we couldn’t come in for awhile. I snapped at him that mom literally tested positive and he said “everyone tests positive, it’s just a cold” to which I said “even if you think it’s just a cold you shouldn’t go out anyways if you could be contagious”. I thought that made sense to him, but apparently not because despite mom and I telling him multiple times it was irresponsible and we could have friends pick things up for us, he snuck out to the store while we were sleeping.

I’m honestly livid that he’d willing put people at risk to push an agenda or prove a point. Even if he believes it isn’t fatal or that big of a deal, my mother has been sick, in pain, and miserable unable to taste or move much. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone and all we had to do to keep others from possibly feeling that way is stay home. He also hasn’t been feeling well (not to the point of my mom but definitely not 100%) so it’s not like he can use the “I’m fine” excuse... as if that would be an acceptable reason anyways when we were told quarantining was what we need to do, symptoms or not.

Sorry I’m rambling a bit now but i just don’t know what to say to him or what to do. Being stuck at home with them puts me in a tough situation. I tried hiding his keys in case he tried something like this and he got mine from my purse. I tried using logic (not even in a covid way cuz he doesn’t take that seriously but in a “you shouldn’t go out when you’re sick anyways” way like I mentioned). I wish I had more info to share on why he’s so skeptical about the virus (he watched a lot of Fox News and reads a lot of Drudge Report to my dismay so I think it’s a conspiracy theory “the Democrats are using this fake sickness to ruin the economy and the numbers are faked/Bill Gates created the virus with 5g to make money” mentality?), but does anyone have any advice on what I can say or do to A) keep him and others safe for now by keeping him indoors and B) renew a bit of my sanity since I’m being treated like the crazy one for being cautious?

TL;DR- Mom tested positive for COVID. The doctor told us everyone in the household needs to quarantine for awhile, but my dad (who is also not feeling well but hasn’t been tested) doesn’t believe in the virus and is going out running errands.

Submitted October 28, 2020 at 05:02PM by Po0pSco0p
My (26F) household is COVID positive. My father (82M), who thinks the virus is a conspiracy, refuses to stay home. My (26F) household is COVID positive. My father (82M), who thinks the virus is a conspiracy, refuses to stay home. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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