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[20M]: My conspirating mom thinks I will get 5G chipped in Covid testing tomorrow and had lost all reason. I feel like I've completely lost her as a person. What to do?

Context: 20M. As a response to pandemic, government in Slovakia put together a nation-wide testing, which happens this weekend. Everyone should come (who doesn't, has to spent 10 days in quarantine). 90 % will voluntarily attend (polls) and this step is mostly supported.

Obviously, "mandatory" testing is something that conspiracists jump on as a coup to manipulate people with 5G chips, you know this bs, it's probably all over the world.

My mom has been in conspiracy theories for many years now and she will believe that there are lizard people inside the core of the world if you tell her. Russia is the savior, USA is trying to enslave everyone and the only people we should believe are some made up doctors by conspiracy new source. Again, you know this bs. Make up any conspiracy theory – and she will believe it.

It's gotten really bad, we can't have any conversation at all, because even a conversation on random topics like bananas, she will find a way to turn into the eternal argument between us – what i call Reason vs. Delusion. E.g. that bananas used to be better, since US government is injecting with herbicides that turn people gay so the entire population can't reproduce and dies out.

I've spent countless hours arguing, calmly explaining, trying every possible technique, but it just doesn't work, she is so stubborn. I feel like i completely lost her, she has this sick view on everything. No talking is possible.

30m ago, she randomly started hysterically crying, shouting and slamming doors. Refused to talk but I am 100 % sure it has to do with the testing this weekend (which she will obviously not attend).

I understand her side (I hope). She is frightened that she will lose his son to 5G chips and I will be controlled by the government. Right now, she is in an amok, talking to her side of the family and my sister, which are similarly deep in the conspiracies, but are much calmer personalities.

My father is still pretty reasonable, but they don't speak for 10 years, even though they live in this very house (different rooms).

She called me a "her personal terorrist", blamed me for all of her depression and such things. I don't really care about that, I just want her to get better.

Please what to do, please? I don't think there is any way to bring her to reason, she is just so deep and I failed to protect her from internet crap. But I don't want her to feel that she lost me and for her to cry all the time, I can't watch that – but even if I interfere, it ends in an even bigger argument. Did that many times.

I could move out but I can't leave her in this state of delusion and desperation.

I want to get tested. What to do, so she doesnt break and even maybe do something terrible?

Right now I am so fckin crying and abandoned. I have BPD so I feel emotions much stronger – but I currently don't any emergency help, I just need to talk.

It's a sick circle of depression, created by the most most evil people on the earth – spreading misinformations purposely for profit. I work in an influential media and I will work tirelessly to put these people into jail for ruining my family. I feel so much hate for them, for ruining countless lives and relationships all over the world.

TL;DR: 20M Slovakia, my mother is very deep in conspiracy theories. You make one up, she will believe it. This weekend, there is a required Covid testing in our country for everyone, I will go, She won't. She believes that i will be injected with 5G Chips, start being controlled by government and she will lose her son. She is in a hysterical amok right now, I don't see any solution. What to do?

Submitted October 30, 2020 at 02:16PM by jachcemmatnickspace
[20M]: My conspirating mom thinks I will get 5G chipped in Covid testing tomorrow and had lost all reason. I feel like I've completely lost her as a person. What to do? [20M]: My conspirating mom thinks I will get 5G chipped in Covid testing tomorrow and had lost all reason. I feel like I've completely lost her as a person. What to do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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