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My (22f) best friend (21f) is trapped in an abusive relationship and it's making me rethink our friendship. I don't want to make her choose between us but I'm at my limit.

My best friend has this terrible on-off ex who she can't seem to get rid of. He's abused her verbally, physically, and psycologically countless times over the past 2 years they've known each other. Being her closest mate I've always done my best to support her, even when she repeatedly chose to take him back and I begged her not to. She has few family and friends, so my family has been her main support system. It's never been a problem for me, we've known each other since we were in diapers and we consider ourselves soul sisters. Lately however, I feel like I'm at my wit's end with the endless drama she finds herself in.

I know that abuse victims have extreme difficulty recognising the situation they're in, hence why it's hard to just walk away, but I'm sick of having my advice ignored only for my predictions to come true and have her running to me when things go awry. We are planning on getting a place together soon but I refuse to entertain the idea of this guy becoming a mainstay in my own home. I feel bad about making her choose, but I told her honestly that I don't think we can still be friends if she continues to allow this guy back into her life. She didn't really take me seriously and insisted I'd never have to see or interact with him, but it's more than that. I'm just tired of him as a general subject and the drama he creates, and I want him out of our lives permanently.

I feel like I'd be the shittiest "friend" if I turned my back on her but I'm honestly sick of pretending like I'm ok with my friend's repeated bad decisions. I love my friend and I want the best for her, ... I'm just sick of this crap. Any advice on how to approach this situation with tact and delicacy would be greatly appreciated.

TL;DR My best friend keeps going back to her shitty ex. I'm tired of giving advice that falls on deaf ears. I don't know if I want to continue our friendship as long as he is a part of her life but I'd feel terrible if I abandoned her when I'm all she has. How can I ethically and reasonably ask her to choose between us?

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 08:18PM by Charming_Afternoon54
My (22f) best friend (21f) is trapped in an abusive relationship and it's making me rethink our friendship. I don't want to make her choose between us but I'm at my limit. My (22f) best friend (21f) is trapped in an abusive relationship and it's making me rethink our friendship. I don't want to make her choose between us but I'm at my limit. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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