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Boyfriend (25M) wants me (24F) to be more feminine and give up watching sports

I (24F) am having a problem that seems to be the opposite of what a lot of people experience. I have been dating my boyfriend (25M) for a bit over a year and a half. We don't live together but usually spend a couple weeknights each week together at one of our places, plus a lot of the weekend. We both work full time at remote work jobs and are building pretty good careers although obviously pretty early on in our progressions there.

My BF loves watching sports, especially (American) football. And, so do I - we actually met at a Super Bowl party. Last year was great because we watched a lot of games together. However, for this season (which started in September) he told me he was "getting concerned" about my femininity and said his attraction to me was becoming less because of my love for football. That I am seeming like "one of the guys" instead of a GF.

I do have a pretty typically feminine appearance, though! I fix my hair and wear makeup and jewelry and always put on a cute outfit when seeing my BF. I don't yell/swear at the TV or eat messy snacks. I have never ignored him to watch football (again, he is usually watching the games too). I work out most days (running and yoga) and it's not like I'm just sitting around watching TV all the time, day in and day out. If we're not together during the games, I usually have the TV on in the background while folding laundry or doing other low-key chores, or get in an extra hour on the exercise bike.

He doesn't want me to watch football, at all, whether or not we are together during that time. Wants me to act like I don't know anything about the players and the strategy. He says this is because he really sees me as "wife material" but we need to get over this hurdle.

This is all just so strange to me because so, so many guys tell me that their girlfriends/wives don't like sports and complain about them watching sports. My head is telling me I should break up with him so I can be free to find someone who doesn't want to change me (especially in such a hypocritical and gender-stereotyped way) but my heart reminds me of all the great times we have had together.

TL;DR: My BF has decided he doesn't want me watching sports, especially football, because it isn't "feminine," even though we met at a Super Bowl party. Trying to decide if I should break up, accommodate him, or try to talk to him more before making a decision.

Submitted October 27, 2020 at 03:25PM by ThrowPear
Boyfriend (25M) wants me (24F) to be more feminine and give up watching sports Boyfriend (25M) wants me (24F) to be more feminine and give up watching sports Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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