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Final Update: My (19F) bf (22M) doesn't trust me anymore. How can i get him to trust me again?

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tl;dr: i broke up with my emotionally abusive bf.

Hi everyone. I posted this almost two months ago, this is been the worst year of my life (with most people I’d imagine lol) and these past two months have been hard too. I just wanted to update and say I broke up with him yesterday. After having a month of space from him i realise that I can’t be in a relationship where I feel like nothing I do is good enough, bc I’m just not good enough for him and I never will be. Idk if anyone would ever be good enough for him tbh. The thought of being single is really scary, and I do feel empty and I do think i’ll always live him, but for my sake i think it’s for the best it ended. Being without him is better than constantly feeling bad for just existing, i think.

Honestly, the scariest thing is before I posted I didn’t even think anything was particularly wrong about our relationship. And I thought if it was it was my fault bc it couldn’t be his.

So I just wanted to thank the people of this subreddit for waking me up. I was in denial at first but you guys were right. I’m so thankful for everyone who helped me.

Stay safe everyone <3

Submitted October 29, 2020 at 03:44AM by throwaway1298249002
Final Update: My (19F) bf (22M) doesn't trust me anymore. How can i get him to trust me again? Final Update: My (19F) bf (22M) doesn't trust me anymore. How can i get him to trust me again? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on October 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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