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My (31F) mother (60F) plants to fly cross-country to visit next week, even though she has pneumonia and possibly COVID-19(Won't get tested).

UPDATE: My mom has agreed not to visit, nor will the rest of my family. She is upset and not responding to me now, but I know she'll get over this. Thanks for all of your advice.

My mom, sister, brother, and his wife plan on visiting me in 9 days. They live in Southern California, where a really bad outbreak has recently occurred. I live in Maine, where that are very few Corona virus cases. I've been asking that they please wait to visit until the virus cases improve, but they fully intend on visiting anyways. Today, my mom tells me that she has a contagious bacterial pneumonia, on top of her normal respiratory issues and several autoimmune disorders. She wont get tested, even though I educated and encouraged her to do so. I was blunt with her, saying "I don't want my mom dying from Corona virus. Please wait a few months to visit. Please get tested, as most patients with the virus also have pneumonia." She refuses, saying she can't wait to visit and that she'll be "fine."

I reminded her that she'll need to wear a mask while flying (6 hour flight) and she shouldn't wear a mask, since she has pneumonia. She simply won't listen to reason.

I called my dad and he reports that he completely agrees with me, and that he's told her that she shouldn't visit, but she won't listen to his advice either. I've resorted to telling my brother and his wife, in hopes that they might be able to get her to see reason. Apparently, they didn't even know she had any respiratory issues, let alone pneumonia. They also agree that postponing the trip is the best move. Any advice on how I should proceed?

Also, I'm a nurse and work in a nursing facility, so I don't want to possibly expose my patients to the virus, if she has the virus or contracts it during travel. She plans to travel all around New England while here, even booking a few vacation houses (makes me uncomfortable too).

Tl;dr: mom is visiting from across the country, even though she has pneumonia and possibly COVID-19, on top of several other medical issues. She is oblivious to the dangers of travel now, and won't listen to reason. She refuses to postpone the trip.

Submitted July 01, 2020 at 02:01PM by Smelllikecatpiss
My (31F) mother (60F) plants to fly cross-country to visit next week, even though she has pneumonia and possibly COVID-19(Won't get tested). My (31F) mother (60F) plants to fly cross-country to visit next week, even though she has pneumonia and possibly COVID-19(Won't get tested). Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on July 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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